AGM of the Spring Grove Residents' Association, Parish Hall, Thursday 26 April 8pm
The AGM of the SGRA will be held in the Parish Hall. All residents, longstanding or recently arrived in the area, are welcome to attend.
As you may already know from the last Springboard, and articles and letters in the local press, there has been considerable debate about the future of the Parish Hall in Grove Lane. Rev. Jonathan Wilkes will provide us with an update on the current proposals for the future of the Hall and St John’s Church.
Also, we will have two of our Ward Councillors, (Marc Woodall and Chrissie Hitchcock), representatives from the University (Anne Barr, Community Liaison Advisor and Mark Horne, General Manager of the Students Union), PC Matt Cefai and PCSO Patricia Read from the Grove Ward Safer Neighbourhood Police team and Ed Davey, MP and Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change. They will answer your questions on matters concerning our area.
To ensure that everyone gets an opportunity to be heard, anyone wishing to put a question to the speakers or to place an item on the agenda, should notify Chairman Alan Leeds (10a Grove Close – 8287 5135) or email Jackie using the contact form on this website. As a limited amount of time is available, questions tabled in advance will be given priority.
Any resident wishing to join the committee or help with community activities please contact Alan Leeds
on 8287 5135 or Jackie Steinitz on 8541 4482. The following SGRA Committee Members have expressed willingness to restand for election: Godon Bell, Phil Chapman, Phil Harvey, Paul Hemmings, Alan Leeds, Natascha Logan, Emma Poole, Karol Smal, Pippa Sparks, Jackie Steinitz, Dawn Trigg, Sean Yeates.
Diamond Jubilee Street Party
Saturday 2 June from 12 – 6pm in Bloomfield Rd and St John’s Church grounds
| Posted 26 April 2012 |
The SGRA, St John's Church Regeneration Fund, and Kingston Kindergarten Nursery mothers are organising a street party to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Last year’s street party was a tremendous success with about 2000 revellers enjoying the sunny weather, the music, children’s activities and the food and drink.
This year the aim of the Street Party is to raise funds for the Church Regeneration Fund and for the SGRA Parish Hall Fund and Community purposes. We hope that everyone in our area will come along and enjoy the day. There will be food (BBQ’s in the church grounds and lunches in the Spring Grove pub), live music including classical as well as rock bands, line and country dancing, coconut shy, kids drama workshop in the Church, face painting and children’s activities, cake competition, and lots more. A detailed timetable for the day’s events will be produced in the next Springboard.
Many thanks to everyone who has volunteered so far to help on the day. Your support is much appreciated but we still need to recruit stewards, barbequers, first aiders and willing volunteers to help with setting up and clearing up at the end. If you can spare some time to help, or require further information please contact Karol Smal –
/8549 8424 or Emma Poole -
078101 85204 .
For updates on what will be happening please visit and periodically check out the St John’s Church website and this website
For pictures of last year's street party to celebrate the royal wedding see
SGRA Facebook page
| Posted 26 April 2012 |
Thanks to Sean Yeates for setting up our Facebook page at Please do log on (and like us!).
| Posted 26 April 2012 |
Residents are invited to find out more about what happens at the University and what it offers to the community. Events will include:
- Mon 30 April: Music in the Market Place from 1pm to 10pm with The Commitments Band and much more
- Wed 2 May: Community day at Kingston Hill campus with music, mock trial, stock trading, nature trail
- Thurs 3 May: Engineering display of robots, racing cars, Digital Arts Collective and multimedia performance in the Market Place; Piano recital and more at All Saints Church at 4pm and 7.30pm
- All week – various music events in the Rose Theatre, the Market Place and All Saints Church
For more details and times of events visit
Spring Grove Fringe presents The Haunted Through Lounge and Inglenook at Farndale Castle Friday 18 May at 8pm and Saturday 19 May at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall
| Posted 26 April 2012 |
Spring Grove Fringe Productions present the marvelous ladies from Farndale Avenue returning with their eerily spooky production of “The Haunted Through Lounge and Inglenook at Farndale Castle”.
There will be a licensed bar and tickets are £15 (including a two course meal) and can be obtained from Amanda Shaw. For more detail see
Further news about the Dog Poo campaign
| Posted 7 March 2012 |
The campaign run by the Parent and Staff Assocation of St John's school to Pick up Dog Poo is gathering momentum. Posters have now been published and will be seen across the SGRA area, a letter has been published in the Kingston Guardian and an article written in the Surrey Comet. Click here to see them. More detail about the campaign is available below.
New and more detailed letter from Rev Jonathan Wilkes about the Parish Hall
| Posted 28 February 2012
You may have seen a letter on this website from Rev Jonathan Wilkes outlining the current thinking of the Church about the future of the Parish Hall. He has now sent an updated paper, copied below, in response to points which have been raised, which gives more detail on the thinking:
There has been a lot of interest in the consideration that St John’s Church has been giving to its responsibilities as owners of the two significant community spaces - the church and hall - on Grove Lane. In particular, many people are concerned that the possible sale of the hall has been allowed to be part of that thinking and there is unease about the perceived loss of facilities and services. This paper sets out the actual position and indicates some of the complexities around the issue.
The current position
The church has been engaged in a feasibility process, to consider its redevelopment, for two reasons. Firstly, it has needs concerning light, heat and access which, if left unaddressed, will result in it becoming unusable and, secondly, as the largest and most prominent community space in the neighbourhood it presents a significant opportunity to provide residents of the area with the facilities that could greatly enhance communal life. Given that redevelopments are best treated in a coherent fashion this wider potential has been part of the thinking about how best to proceed.
The cost of the restoring essential heat, light and appropriate access is in the region of £500,000 with the wider work costing about £1.5 million (though a scaled down version of this could be achieved for about £1 million). However, a realistic assessment of the situation needs to recognise that fundraising for heating and lighting on its own is traditionally difficult because funders are reluctant to give for these elements without their association with other community benefits. So, breaking the project down into smaller elements is not necessarily as simple as it may seem.
These sums are, clearly, very large. What the church has been doing, as anyone trying to address a problem sensibly would do, is to have an open mind about exploring all of the options that are open to it. Among these has been to investigate the fundraising potential that it has from grant making trusts and other bodies, explore possible partnerships with other Kingston institutions like the St John’s Church School, Kingston University and College and assess how much money might be raised or gifted from within the Church congregation and through Church fundraising events.
However, one other option has been to consider whether the capital sum that is tied up in the value of the Church Hall might be better deployed in ensuring that the Church can remain open and allow the large, prominent space in the heart of the community to be put to better use.
At this point we should say - as we have done consistently since this first became a matter of public discussion - something very important; that this is only one of a number of options and that it is NOT felt by the church to be the preferred course of action. Why would it be? - the Church of England has a long history of serving communities effectively through its buildings of various kinds. We know the value of community space and aren’t considering this option lightly or as an easy way out. We know that the hall is valued and used and we have supported that use over the 100 years of its life so far, in particular in recent years through providing the space for the community to use at very modest rates of hire for things like performances or Kingston Kindergarten.
As we’ve said clearly before in other places, no decision has been taken about this yet. What we’re engaged in is a period of careful, broad minded and rational consideration of what might be in the best interests of the community at large.
Part of that reflection is to recognise the importance that the church has for the community and the opportunity its redevelopment offers the people of the area. Though sometimes unobtrusively, the church plays an important part in the life of the neighbourhood. It contributes to the local school in a variety of ways not least through supporting admissions, as a place for school events and helping with governance. It provides the ongoing presence of a paid professional worker in the neighbourhood (the church Vicar) who offers pastoral support to people regardless of whether they are church goers or not. It is used by a wide range of groups for music making, meeting and education. All this without mentioning at all that people like to pray there, have their children baptised, get married or bury loved ones.
However, perhaps the most significant question is to ask how the neighbourhood would feel if the church were a block of flats or student accommodation. Pub, school, shops, church, these are the things that sustain a sense of community (not to mention, give value to our property prices). To lose the largest, most prominent community space to some kind of a commercial outlet would affect us all. Very clearly, lots of people and lots of groups work hard locally to make life better for those living here but the church - and its building - plays its part in that and is an asset to be preserved.
We don’t wish to overstate the threat that exists to its survival. St John’s is supported by a lively, thriving and committed congregation that will work hard to support it and maintain its function, but neither are we unrealistic or dismissive of the realities involved here. When heat and light cease to work buildings become unusable and there are scores of examples around the country of grade 2 listed churches that have kept their facade but changed their use, and the result for the surrounding community is not positive.
The church has value to the neighbourhood as it stands but is a site of great potential. There are many examples of large church buildings like ours being used for a variety of different purposes that enhance its central role as a place of worship (an example of one such church can be found at We are using our time, energy and resources to explore how we can best develop it for the benefit of the people who live here. Again, the church is the largest and most prominent communal space in the neigbourhood and it would seem sensible for it to have the facilities to be as useful as possible (to include ensuring that current uses of the hall are replicated).
Possible ways forward
No decision has been reached yet about what the church feels is the best way to take forward the two community spaces it is responsible for. If it decides that selling the Hall is not the right thing to do then it will continue to manage the space and will seek to develop its use for the benefit of a wide range of people. However, as has been stated before, if, after careful consideration, the church comes to the mind that selling the hall is the right thing for the wider community in the long run then the next stage in this process will be to invite a wider discussion through a consultation within the local area.
But this isn’t where we are yet and it has not seemed sensible to consult formally on something that may not, ultimately, be pursued. It is hoped that within three months we will have a clearer idea of what we feel is the right way forward and we will communicate that widely as soon as we can.
A full copy of the letter is available here. You may also wish to read the item below about the plans for the regeneration of the Church.
Link to article in Surrey Comet about the Parish Hall
| Posted 21 February 2012
Click here to read the article published in the Surrey Comet of 17th February about the possible sale of the Parish Hall.
Meeting with the owner of the Kelly Arms, Weds 22 Feb 20:00 - 21:00, Parish Hall, Grove Lane
| Posted 19 February 2012
All local residents are invited to a meeting with the owner of The Kelly Arms where he will discuss his plans for the building and answer questions. The meeting will be held at the Parish Hall in Grove Lane from 8pm to 9pm on Wednesday 22 February.
Jason and the Argonauts Pantomime
| Posted 6 February 2012
On no it's not. The 2012 Spring Grove Fringe Pantomime is right ahead on Friday February 10th at 8pm and Saturday 11th at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. So you have just got time to get tickets. The script, written by local resident Adrian Treloar will transport you to ancient and with spectacular sets by Gavin Dawson you will enjoy basking on Mediterranenean beaches – just what we need for this cold weather. Why not join Jason in his quest for the golden fleece. Tickets are £8 adult, £4 child and £20 family ticket (2 adults + 2 children) adn can be obtained from Sandy Gavshon
on 07889 094 331. There will be a licensed bar in the evenings.
St John's Pop Up Pancake Kitchen! on Shrove Tuesday 21st February, 5.30 - 8pm
| Posted 6 February 2012
St John's Pop Up Pancake Kitchen! on Shrove Tuesday 21st February, open from 5.30 - 8pm. Drop in for delicious pancakes. Pancake races for the children. Pay at the door or buy tickets (to include 2 pancakes and a glass of punch) from Mimi Fagan:
Tel: 07764 188653 Adults £5, children £1.50
Movement Class, Wednesdays 6.45 to 7.30
| Posted 8 February 2012
Local resident Millie Robson has just started a Movement class on Wednesday evenings in Parish Hall for the past 3 weeks. It is a low impact class to music ranging from Motown to 70's disco music. Just turn up if you would like to join in. It costs £5 per class.
Campaign to "Pick up the Dog Poo"!
| Posted 8 February 2012
The Parent and Staff Assocation of St John's school is spearheading a campaign to persuade dog owners to pick up the dog poo in the area. So please watch our for posters which will be appearing and please support their campaign. The letter below will be appearing in the Kingston Guardian.
Dear Editor,
We need your help. We have a large problem that has slowly gotten worse over the last few years. If you take a walk around the Spring Grove area of Kingston, you will need to watch your step as the pavement is covered in dog poo. Portland Road, which is where St John’s School is situated and the surrounding roads leading up to Athelstan Playground, are particularly bad.
There are a lot of dog lovers at our school and the children love seeing the dogs that come on the school run. So we are not campaigning against dogs. In fact we love them, but we fully appreciate and teach our children that we must pick up the dog poop.
We have all walked past dog mess but when children are scooting to school, they scoot through it, some will no doubt walk in it and then parents with prams wheel their prams through it and will go into Kingston and wheel it unknowingly into the shops! Let alone the children bringing it into the school. Foxes also seem to be attracted to dog poo and therefore end up pooing everywhere too.
Just before Christmas there was an enormous dog poop just by the entrance to the school gates. Two parents took it upon themselves to get some bleach and a bucket of water and wash it away. One of the parents had called the council to see if they could help but there isn't a department for dog poo pavement cleansing.
This is where our children at St John's School come in. It's not much fun walking and scooting to school having to watch out for dog poo all the time. With full support from the school, we are initiating a poster campaign to remind our community that we all love dogs but 'Please Pick Up The Dog Poo'.
We will ask all the local business and shops to display some of the children's posters and they will be displayed along the fence at school.
We hope this will make the less conscientious dog owners more aware of their actions and make our pavements a cleaner and more hygienic place to walk.
Thank you for helping us spread the word with this campaign.
Emerald Gill
Chair of St John’s Parent and Staff Association, St John’s School.
Letter to residents about the Parish Hall from Rev Jonathan Wilkes
| Posted 7 February 2012
In addition to the item below about the plans for the Church the SGRA has also been sent a letter by Rev Jonathan Wilkes outlining the current thinking of the Church about the future of the Parish Hall:
There has been a lot of interest in the consideration that St John’s Church has been giving to its responsibilities as owners of the two significant community spaces - the church and hall - on Grove Lane. In particular, many people are concerned that the possible sale of the hall has been allowed to be part of that thinking and there is unease about the perceived loss of facilities and services. This paper sets out the actual position and indicates some of the complexities around the issue.
The current position
The church has been engaged in a feasibility process, to consider its redevelopment, for two reasons. Firstly, it has needs concerning light, heat and access which, if left unaddressed, will result in it becoming unusable and, secondly, as the largest and most prominent community space in the neighbourhood it presents a significant opportunity to provide residents of the area with the facilities that could greatly enhance communal life. Given that redevelopments are best treated in a coherent fashion this wider potential has been part of the thinking about how best to proceed.
The cost of the restoring essential heat, light and appropriate access is in the region of £500,000 with the wider work costing about £1.5 million (though a scaled down version of this could be achieved for about £1 million). However, a realistic assessment of the situation needs to recognise that fundraising for heating and lighting on its own is traditionally difficult because funders are reluctant to give for these elements without their association with other community benefits. So, breaking the project down into smaller elements is not necessarily as simple as it may seem.
These sums are, clearly, very large. What the church has been doing, as anyone trying to address a problem sensibly would do, is to have an open mind about exploring all of the options that are open to it. Among these has been to investigate the fundraising potential that it has from grant making trusts and other bodies, explore possible partnerships with other Kingston institutions like the St John’s Church School, Kingston University and College and assess how much money might be raised or gifted from within the Church congregation and through Church fundraising events.
However, one other option has been to consider whether the capital sum that is tied up in the value of the Church Hall might be better deployed in ensuring that the Church can remain open and allow the large, prominent space in the heart of the community to be put to better use.
At this point we should say - as we have done consistently since this first became a matter of public discussion - something very important; that this is only one of a number of options and that it is NOT felt by the church to be the preferred course of action. Why would it be? - the Church of England has a long history of serving communities effectively through its buildings of various kinds. We know the value of community space and aren’t considering this option lightly or as an easy way out. We know that the hall is valued and used and we have supported that use over the 100 years of its life so far, in particular in recent years through providing the space for the community to use at very modest rates of hire for things like performances or Kingston Kindergarten.
As we’ve said clearly before in other places, no decision has been taken about this yet. What we’re engaged in is a period of careful, broad minded and rational consideration of what might be in the best interests of the community at large.
Part of that reflection is to recognise the importance that the church has for the community and the opportunity its redevelopment offers the people of the area. Though sometimes unobtrusively, the church plays an important part in the life of the neighbourhood. It contributes to the local school in a variety of ways not least through supporting admissions, as a place for school events and helping with governance. It provides the ongoing presence of a paid professional worker in the neighbourhood (the church Vicar) who offers pastoral support to people regardless of whether they are church goers or not. It is used by a wide range of groups for music making, meeting and education. All this without mentioning at all that people like to pray there, have their children baptised, get married or bury loved ones.
However, perhaps the most significant question is to ask how the neighbourhood would feel if the church were a block of flats or student accommodation. Pub, school, shops, church, these are the things that sustain a sense of community (not to mention, give value to our property prices). To lose the largest, most prominent community space to some kind of a commercial outlet would affect us all. Very clearly, lots of people and lots of groups work hard locally to make life better for those living here but the church - and its building - plays its part in that and is an asset to be preserved.
We don’t wish to overstate the threat that exists to its survival. St John’s is supported by a lively, thriving and committed congregation that will work hard to support it and maintain its function, but neither are we unrealistic or dismissive of the realities involved here. When heat and light cease to work buildings become unusable and there are scores of examples around the country of grade 2 listed churches that have kept their facade but changed their use, and the result for the surrounding community is not positive.
The church has value to the neighbourhood as it stands but is a site of great potential. There are many examples of large church buildings like ours being used for a variety of different purposes that enhance its central role as a place of worship (an example of one such church can be found at We are using our time, energy and resources to explore how we can best develop it for the benefit of the people who live here. Again, the church is the largest and most prominent communal space in the neigbourhood and it would seem sensible for it to have the facilities to be as useful as possible (to include ensuring that current uses of the hall are replicated).
Possible ways forward
No decision has been reached yet about what the church feels is the best way to take forward the two community spaces it is responsible for. If it decides that selling the Hall is not the right thing to do then it will continue to manage the space and will seek to develop its use for the benefit of a wide range of people. However, as has been stated before, if, after careful consideration, the church comes to the mind that selling the hall is the right thing for the wider community in the long run then the next stage in this process will be to invite a wider discussion through a consultation within the local area.
But this isn’t where we are yet and it has not seemed sensible to consult formally on something that may not, ultimately, be pursued. It is hoped that within three months we will have a clearer idea of what we feel is the right way forward and we will communicate that widely as soon as we can.
A full copy of the letter is available here.
Regeneration Plans for St John's Church
| Posted 6 February 2012
The item below was sent to the SGRA by St John's Church about their plans for regeneration.

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You may have seen this logo at the Royal Wedding Street Party and at various other events in and around the church over the last year. So what’s it all about?
St John’s is a much loved landmark in the Spring Grove neighbourhood. It’s a Grade II listed Victorian building on an impressive corner plot surrounded by lawn, structurally sound and here to stay........and from the outside St John’s cuts quite a dash. But inside it’s a very different picture. The electrics are a critical state, the lighting and heating is ugly, ineffective and unreliable, access in and around the building urgently needs improving, and the building is cold, gloomy and tired looking.
St John’s serves a thriving local community, but its wonderful space is vastly under- utilised because the facilities are so limited. Apart from Sunday and weekday worship, the church is used for Little Groovers, the popular Parent and Toddler group, and by the University for exams and concerts. It’s the home of the Orpheus choir, the Morris Dancers, a Ping Pong club and a venue for lots of social events. And at Christmas time it’s standing room only at the various carol services. But there could be so much more going on in there.
A lot of money will need to be spent just to get the basics sorted. But that would still leave a huge barn of a church with limited use. So in setting this building up for the next 100 years, it’s time to look again and see how St John’s can be radically transformed so that it can continue to be a church for everyone and to serve its local Spring Grove community for generations to come.
Back in 2009, local residents and organisations were invited to give their views about what they wanted to see going on in the church and how the fantastic space could be developed. It was very clear that people wanted to see the church open and fully used, with modern facilities and flexible spaces available to everyone.
The Church Council took all the ideas, drew up a specification and began working with a brilliant firm of architects, Thomas Ford and Partners who specialise in re-ordering churches and historic buildings so that they are fit for modern life. After various revisions, this is how the plans now look. A larger version is on display inside the church, do pop in and have a closer look.

The vision is to create a fully accessible building that can be used imaginatively and flexibly. One of the things that people love about St John’s is the feeling of space and openness and so in the main body of the church the height has been retained, allowing for an upper floor in the north and south aisles and a glazed balcony linking the two. There is plenty of light entering the building with glazed outer doors at the west and south entrances and glazed partitions throughout. Zoned under-floor heating will creating a warm and welcoming areas. The main features of the building are a separate welcome area with adjoining Parish Office/meeting room; a large community space (referred to as the Narthex on this plan), with cafe facilities, a modern catering kitchen and toilets; a flexible worship area with demountable stage; a separate chapel for quiet reflection and two additional rooms for community use on the first floor accessed by lift and staircase. Outside the gardens will be landscaped to improve access and create an enclosed children’s play area and some disabled parking.
It’s a great design which would really bring this beautiful Victorian building back to life. St John’s would be able to be open to everyone and things could be happening there every day of the year. It could be used by local groups and schools; as a meeting place; a performance venue, conference or exhibition space; for sports, dance and drama clubs and still provide a beautiful worship space, chapel and place of calm. So what might all this cost? Around £1.5 million is the estimated cost, and the proposal is for the work to be undertaken in two phases. Phase one would bring the building up to a standard whereby rooms could be hired, generating an income to support the fundraising for phase 2.
First steps are for the church to obtain all the necessary permissions for the work from the Diocese, the local Planning Department, English Heritage and the Victorian Society. Alongside this, work on a fundraising strategy has begun and at a community level, a programme of fundraising events is underway. Members of the Design Team are meeting with groups of local residents and organisations to talk about the plans and how people can be involved. If you would like to find out more or have somebody come and talk to a gathering of friends in your home, please do get in touch. You can e mail
or telephone the Rector Jonathan Wilkes on 020 3132 8717.
Christingle Service
| Posted February 2012
Everyone is warmly invited to the Christingle Service at St John’s this Sunday 5th Feb at 10am. This is a lovely Family Service, full of symbolism, and held in support of the Children’s Society. Every child will receive a Christingle to take home and our special collection will raise vital funds to help vulnerable children across the country.
Our popular Coffee Café is also open this Friday 3rd, from 9am – 11.30am with delicious homemade cakes or toast and croissants, and fresh coffee. Come and relax with a coffee after school drop off.
Phoenix Cards will be there and a new stall selling plants grown by the Stud Nursery Project in Home Park.
All the café proceeds will go directly to the Children’s Society.
Diary of Forthcoming Events in the SGRA area
| Posted 7 December 2011
See also the list below of the events/services at St. John's Church in December.
Jason and the Argonauts Pantomime on Friday 10 February at 8pm and Saturday 11 February at 2.30pm and 7.30pm (NOT 4th and 5th as published in Springboard)
The Spring Grove Fringe will be presenting “Jason and the Argonauts” – a spanking new pantomime with music, songs and laughter. Tickets are £8 adult, £4 child and £20 family ticket (2 adults + 2 children). There will be licenced bar in the evenings and tickets can be obtained from Sandy Gavshon in January. Watch out for posters with more details.
Come and enjoy freshly brewed coffee and delicious home made cakes and support the Princess Alice Hospice at the same time.
Please make a note in next year’s diary for SGRA’s annual Barn Dance. All the members of our community, including children, can come and enjoy themselves dancing to great live music from our local musicians. More details in the next Springboard.
Following on from the great success of last April`s Royal Wedding Street Party, the SGRA together with St John`s Church, the Spring Grove Pub, Plan B band, and other members of our community hope to have another enjoyable Street Party! Funds raised will go towards the much needed refurbishment of the floor of the Parish Hall, Grove Lane. The Hall is such an important centre of various community activities in our area – the nursery, Spring Grove Fringe drama group, badminton groups, barn dances, music events, quizzes, children`s parties etc and will be celebrating 110 years of age in 2013. A Street Party Committee will be set up in the new year and any offer of help will be greatly appreciated – please contact Karol Smal on 8549 8424 or email
Beware Burglaries and Vandalism
| Posted 12 December 2011
There have been a number of burglaries in the Spring Grove area in recent months and so all residents should take care to ensure their premises are as secure as possible. Also, residents have reported seeing cars being damaged late at night, possibly by students on their way home.
Hogsmill Valley Development update
| Posted 12 December 2011
The SGRA was represented at the recent RBK Core Strategy Public Enquiry by Karol Smal, whose contribution was based on the work previously done by committee members Sean Yeates and Phill Chapman. As Thames Water made clear that they would not release most of their land for permanent redevelopment, the proposed 1300 unit student housing will be scaled back to 300 units on existing university land with no car spaces and access from Burney Avenue. The Inspectors report on the RBK Core Strategy will be published in early 2012.
Course to become a Kingston Tour Guide
| Posted 12 December 2011
Kingston Tour Guides. Are you interested in local history and enjoy meeting people? The voluntary guides are recruiting for their course starting in January when you can learn about Kingston’s fascinating and colourful past and its historic buildings and monuments. Please contact Joan McConn on 8549 8424 for information.
Hugh Herland barbeque
| Posted 7 December 2011
The SGRA/ Hugh Herland BBQ last September was a great success with about 40 senior citizens and local residents, including children, enjoying the good weather and food. Many thanks to all those who donated raffle prizes, in particular the Spring Grove Pub and the local shops in Bloomfield Road. The pub and shops are generous in their support of the community events and we, as a community, should support them whenever we can. Also, many thanks to everyone who helped in the preparation and running of the BBQ and to Noel Jones for the excellent musical entertainment. Although this is a social event rather than a fund raising one we still made a small profit of £9.71p!
Special Events at St John's Church during November and December
| Posted 10 November 2011
On Friday 18th November we're having a Candlelight Health and Beauty evening from 7 - 9.30 in the church in aid of the Regeneration Fund. Entrance is free and there are a range of lovely beauty treatments available plus taster classes of yoga and pilates, wine and cake!
The Christmas Bazaar is on Saturday November 26th from 12 - 3 in the church, Santa's Grotto, Silent Auction, hot lunches, mulled wine, toys,gifts, bottle tombola, and fancy dress competition etc
Christmas Community Choir
Everyone loves to sing carols and all are welcome to join in an almost scratch choir put together for the Candlelight Carol Service at St John's on Sunday 18th December at 4pm. Just three rehearsals on Tuesday Nov 29th, Dec 6th and 13th at 8pm in the church, just come along or to find out more contact Mimi on
Christmas Services
- Carols by Candlelight Sunday December 18th at 4pm followed by mulled wine and hot sausage rolls and mince pies.
- Crib Service 4pm on Christmas Eve, hear the Chistmas story and feel the magic of Christmas. Children are invited to come dressed as shepherds, angels and kings.
- Midnight Mass at 11.30 on Chrismas Eve and Christmas Communion at 10am on Christmas Day.
- Epiphany Family Service on January 8th to mark the journey of the three kings.
Accommodation for 15 Korean teachers for visit to Kingston University, January 2012
| Posted 10 November 2011
Kingston University has a group of 15 Korean teachers coming to Kingston University this January 2012 to study a four-week English Language programme. We don’t have the exact arrival date but they will probably arrive the 1st January and the departure will probably be the 28th January 2012.
All of the delegates teach in their country and want to improve their English and learn about teaching practices in the UK, and so have a minimum of an intermediate level of English language skills. Each delegate has been selected for the course by the regional Office of Education in Korea (Chungcheongbuk-do), who has funded the visit. The selection process was extremely competitive so all delegates are likely to take their studies very seriously!
The group will be studying full time during the week, and likely to have social activities planned for the weekends. They are paying for three meals a day at the university campus, and are not expecting meals to be provided at the lodgings. Ideally they would like to be placed individually in lodgings rather than having two of the group at the same residence.
The room bookings will be coordinated by Accommodation Services with weekly room rates of £110 per week.
For more information please contact Accommodation Services on extension 63829 or email
Meeting 19th October 7.30pm :St John’s has got plans!
| Posted 18 October 2011
You are very warmly invited to drop in for a glass of wine and see the regeneration plans in the Parish Hall on Wednesday October 19th from 7.30 until 9pm. Discover how this beautiful Victorian church
at the heart of the Spring Grove community could be transformed into a place for everyone
Olympic Torch visiting Kingston University - 3rd November
| Posted 18 October 2011
On Thursday November 3rd from 10am to 6pm KUSU will have the real olympic torch visiting the Penryhn Rd campus. Local residents are invited to come and have their photograph taken with the torch - but if you will be coming in a large group or school please liaise with Mark Horne, Manager, Kingston University Students' Union so as to avoid too much congestion.
Apple Day : 22nd October
| Posted 18 October 2011
Come along to celebrate Kingston’s local apple harvest at Kingston Environment Centre, Fairfield East, KT1 2PT
on Saturday 22nd October. Click here for more detail.
Friendly Inexpensive Gardener
| Posted 18 October 2011
Nigel Bellwood will be a familiar face to local residents who attend Spring Grove Fringe productions at the Parish Hall. When not starring on the Grove Lane stage he works in gardens - see his poster below.
He says that now is the perfect time to cut ... bushes, or everything really. He specialises in weeding and digging over and transforming a ragged garden into a pretty one. He loves to do the work to make someone’s garden look pretty and to achieve something special for someone.
Nigel, your local friendly gardener, doing the work you don't have time for:
- Lawn Mowing
- Generally tidying
- Hedge Cutting
- Weeding
I look forward to helping you soon.
Tel .... 0208 979 1240 / Mobile .... 07971 441 585
Boris Johnson launched Green Growth bootcamps at Kingston University
| Posted 18 October 2011
| Residents might have been surprised to see the Mayor of London,Boris Johnson, at large on the Raptor - a 3 wheel prototype electric vehicle on 13th October when he was at Knights Park to launch a series of Green Growth bootcamps. Click here for more details.
Watch Seething Wells’ hidden heritage come to life
| Posted 18 October 2011
The hidden heritage of Seething Wells will from come to life in November when a new community production is staged on campus at the University hall of residence. Seething Wells played a vital role in defeating cholera in the 19th Century and now we have the opportunity to see the fascinating and important story unfold on stage in the very location where the history was made.
The University is delighted to host ‘Seething Wells and the Defeat of King Cholera’. Backed by Heritage Lottery funding and staged by Community interest company The Community Brain, the production is billed as being a tale of heroes, scientists, engineers and navvies. Forty-minute performances will run in the evenings from 6 – 12 November. Community Brain Founder Robin Hutchinson, an Honorary Doctor of the University, said, ‘The defeat of cholera through providing clean water is one of Kingston’s most compelling and as yet under-played heritage stories. The Community Brain aims to keep the story alive and this production will start to give it the acclaim it deserves.’
Find more details and reserve your free tickets at
RBK - Core Strategy Further Consultation closes 11 November
| Posted 18 October 2011
The Core Strategy is Kingston's planning strategy and policy document, which will replace the Council's Unitary Development Plan. It sets out how the Council will shape the Borough over the next 15 years, in terms of the built environment (e.g. housing offices, shops and infrastructure), whilst balancing the need to protect the environment (e.g. dealing with flood risk, climate change and protecting open spaces and the Borough's character). It also sets out policies to guide the determination of planning applications across the Borough.
The Strategy was submitted to the Secretary of State on 26 May 2011 and the Examination in Public is currently taking place. The public hearings took place between 6 and 13 September and the Council is now staging a further round of consultation between 30 September and 11 November 2011.
You can read the documents at or paper copies are available at the Council Offices, Guildhall 2, High Street, Kingston andat local libraries across the borough.
To comment complete a response form and send it to: Pauline Butcher, Core Strategy Programme Officer, c/o Guildhall 2, Royal Borough of Kingston, High Street, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 1EU or by email to both AND
The Planning Inspector will then consider all comments received and will publish his report in December 2011. The Inspector’s report is binding on the Council, who will adopt the Core Strategy in accordance with the Inspector’s recommendations, if it is found ‘sound’.
Grove Ward Safer Neighbourhood Team Forthcoming Events
The local police team have three events in the near future in which residents are invited to talk about local policing issues which would help make a difference to the community.
- Thurs 27 October 2011 3 - 5pm, Kingston Library: Drop-in surgery. An indoor one-to-one consultation session.
- Sat 12 November 2011 2 - 3pm, Surbiton Crescent: Street briefing. An outdoor meeting open to all.
- Thurs 24 November 2011 4-6pm - Street briefing
For more details see
Kingston Market Area revitalisation
| Posted 18 October 2011
Kingston’s Market Place is set to receive a make-over, and a consultation process has been underway since June. It is reviewing the overall regeneration of the area by considering infrastructure, environmental issues and existing buildings such as the Market House. (The Market Place was recently voted Britain’s second ‘Best Shopping’ street in the Google Street View Awards 2011).
Stage 2 of the consultation is taking place during September / October 2011 - the exhibition boards can viewed online at together with project newsletters.
Royal Wedding Street Party Photos
| |
Please click here for more photos.
Royal Wedding Street Party DVDs
Following the successful Spring Grove street party in April local resident Terry Ford has edited and produced a DVD of the day's event. To buy one (DVD £5 Blue-ray £8) please contact Terry on 020 8287 3650 or on:
Please click here for the latest Springboard newsletter.
New Local Personal Chef Business
| Posted 7 January 2011
We have a great chef working locally. Steve Watts is former head chef of
Villandry and the Chelsea Arts Club and trained at the River Cafe and Chez
Bruce. He now has a private chef service, catering for dinner parties, and also
providing delicious freezer meals for the days when you're too busy to cook but
want a great dinner. See for more
Latest Information on the Proposed Mobile Phone on St John's Church Tower
| Posted 26 November 2010
For a summary of information received to date by the SGRA please visit this webpage. .
Come and sing in the Community Choir at the Candlelight Carol Service
| Posted 16 November 2010
Love singing Christmas carols? Come and make up an almost Scratch Community choir for the Candlelight Carol Service at St John's Church on Sunday 19th December at 4pm. No previous experience required and everyone is welcome to swell the singing of the old familiar carols and a few new ones. Rehearsals will be on Mondays November 29th, December 6th and 13th in the church, (in the vestry to so as not to clash with the Morris Dancers!) Come along to as many as you can make. To find out more contact Mimi Fagan on 07764 188653
St John's Parish Hall AGM - Tuesday 16 November 7.30pm
| Posted 16 November 2010
The AGM will be held in the hall. All are welcome.
St John's Church Christmas Bazaar - Saturday 27 November 12-3pm
| Posted 16 November 2010
Click to enlarge the poster
Address for Sending Objections about the Proposed Church Mast
| Posted 9 November 2010
Further to the item below about the proposed mobile phone mast on St John's Church Tower the SGRA has been informed that the church is now applying to the Consistory Court of the Diocese of Southwark for permission to carry out the works
Residents who wish to object should write to:
The Diocesan Registrar
Mr Paul C. E. Morris
Minerva House
5 Montague Close
London SE1 9BB
stating your name, postal address and whether you live in the parish and/or are entered on the electoral roll of the parish, or are writing in any other capacity.
Your objection must reach the Registrar by 5th December, 2010.
Proposed Mobile Phone Mast on St John's Church Tower
| Posted 4 November 2010
You may already have heard that St John's Church has been asked by New Edge Communications Ltd to site a low-power mobile phone mast on the Tower for the O2/Vodafone networks. The proposed antenna would be housed in a white flagpole structure, (which can fly flags), on top of the tower. The height, at 5 metres, would be the same as the existing flagpole but the diameter would increase from the current 75mm to 275mm.
There will be a drop in session at the church on Thursday 11th November from 6.30pm - 8.30pm. Plans will be available and representatives from O2, Vodafone, NET and the planning consultant will answer questions. A member of the church council will also be present to hear views. For more information you can contact Jenny Bye, the planning consultant at Waldon Telecom, Phoenix House, Pyrford Road, West Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 6RA,
, 01932 411 022
If you would like to make your views known to the Spring Grove Residents' Association please either inform your street rep or send an email to
We will write a letter to the relevant bodies summarising the feedback we have received.
The picture below shows the current and proposed mast. Click on the picture to enlarge it.
Age Concern Kingston
| Posted 4 November 2010
Age Concern Kingston has recently launched a Handyperson Service. This is a low cost, non means tested scheme and is available to all over 55,s in the Borough, whether home owners, private tenants or council accommodation residents. Under 55,s with a disability are also eligible.
The Handyperson is able to carry out non-emergency work involving small repairs, minor adaptations and odd jobs. . These include, but are not limited to.
- Minor carpentry work,
- Putting up shelves and curtain rails
- Fitting a key safe
- Changing light bulbs
- Fitting grab rails
- Garden tidy
- Reseal a bath or sink
- Hang a mirror or picture
- Turn a mattress
The cost is £20.00 for up to 2 Hours, plus the cost of any material. Clients are expected to pay on the day.
Other services available include assistance at home with computer skills, setting up lap tops and DVD /TV tuning. These services are charged at £10.per hour
For more information and to book an appointment please contact the Handyperson Co-ordinator, Heather Bruneau on 020 8408 8177. Monday to Thursday 10.00 to 4.00pm
Letter from Kingston University
| Posted 30 October 2010
The SGRA received the following letter from Mark Horne, General Manager, Kingston University Students Union
Whilst we realise that students are not always your favourite people, we hope that you share our reservations about the current Browne Review and Comprehensive Spending Review. The proposed measures mean that;
- There will be no future government funding for any degree that is not science, technology or engineering based (we understand this may result in a cut of funding up to 75% for Kingston University)
- Tuition fees at Kingston will rise to an estimated £7500, pricing many potential students (possibly including your own children, or other family members) out of Higher Education
- There will be significant job losses at Kingston University, which will have an impact on the local economy.
These outcomes don’t just affect current students, but will also impact on the children currently studying in the local area and their families. We cannot afford to simply allow these cuts to take place without realising the huge long term potential they will have. Our local MP Ed Davey, pledged to fight any increase in tuition fees, but has already told us that he will now vote in favour of increased fees, basically turning his back on many of his constituents with children in, or entering, Higher Education.
As a Students’ Union, we have worked with you for many years to try and improve the link between the University and the local community; so now we are asking for your support in opposing these cuts. You can do this by e-mailing Ed Davey at , by attending the national demonstration on November 10th in London - more information is available at or by displaying a poster promoting the issues.
Thank you in anticipation of your support – if you have any questions feel free to contact me
Mark Horne, General Manager, Kingston University Students’ Union
Tel: 020 8417 2027
Studentification/Houses of Multiple Occupation
| Posted 30 October 2010
Concern has been expressed by a number of residents about the loss of family homes in the SGRA area as houses are bought to let out to multiple tenants. However, under new planning laws, there are now controls over any change in use from a single private residence to a House in Multiple Occupation ("HMO").
An HMO is defined as a house or flat occupied by 3 or more people who rent a property and are not related and share a kitchen, bathroom or toilet. All new HMO’s will require planning permission on and after 6 April 2010; the change does not affect houses which were used as HMO's prior to 6th April 2010. Any change of use from a dwelling to student accommodation housing 3 or more students will now need planning permission, even if no work is carried out to the property. The challenge facing the planning authority is that they are often not aware of the new HMO. If you have any concerns, please contact the Planning Department at the Council (020 8547 5332) or any member of the SGRA Committee.
Spring Grove Fringe Comedy Supper Evenings
| Posted 13 September 2010
The Spring Grove Fringe will be holding a comedy supper evening at the Parish Hall on
Friday 1st October at 8:00pm and Saturday 2nd October
at 7:30pm. The programme will include two short plays,
The Last Bread Pudding by Nick Warburton (a comical
look at an amateur dramatics group as they discuss a
new play) and The Friday Night Radio Play by Damian
Trasler (with Grandma keen to hear her son’s play
being broadcast). Tickets are £15 including supper. All profits will be donated to a local charity
Update on Grove Safer Neighbourhood team
| Posted 13 September 2010
Grove Safer Neighbourhood team is now headed by
Police Sergeant Edward McDonagh. Full details about the team can be found at
A ward panel meeting was held in August to discuss
team priorities with panel members attended by a representative from the SGRA. Anyone interested in
becoming a panel please contact the team on 0208 721 2588 or
During September the team will be focusing
on the start of the new academic
year for both the College and University. The aim
is to deliver a strong message that anti social behaviour
within the Grove community will not be tolerated.
Have a go at Morris Dancing : October 4th and 11th
| Posted 13 September 2010
Two local Morris sides, the Spring Grove Morris Men and Off-Spring Morris, are offering residents a free taster session and open evening where you can learn a Morris dance, play some music and find out about the history of Morris Dancing, why there are over 1000 Morris Clubs and why each year more people start to dance. So go to St John's Church in Grove Lane from 8-10pm on October 4th and October 11th. Come dressed in comfortable shoes and bring an instrument if you want to play. Join the sides in the Spring Grove pub for a drink afterwards. For more information see or
Petition about Allotments
| Posted 13 September 2010
The SGRA has been sent details by the Kingston Road Allotment Association about a petition for a new workable tenancy agreement for all Quadron managed allotments in Kingston. The wording on the petition is as follows:
Allotment holders in Kingston were sent a new agreement in January 2010, with a covering letter stating that any plot holder who did not return a signed agreement would be evicted from their plot. This is legally incorrect as plot holders are under no obligation to sign a new agreement which has removed rights from tenants which existed under the old agreement. Collectively we agree that the new agreement is unworkable and are frustrated at being misled by the council.
Anyone who agrees with the petition can sign, they do not need to have an allotment or to live in the Borough to sign and be counted. You will find it at:
Petition to Save the Magistrates Court
| Posted 28 August 2010
The SGRA have been sent details of a petition to stop the closure of the Magistrates Court. The wording on the petition is as follows:
Kingston is one of 157 magistrates' and county courts the Government is proposing to close. The consultation ends on September 15. We believe closing the court would destroy the ancient principle of local justice for local people, waste valuable police time commuting to courts as far away as Battersea, and hit those on low incomes the hardest through increased transport costs. Kingston is also one of the most efficient courts in London, and cheaper to run and with a lower maintenance backlog than the three courts set to take on its workload, and unique in being clustered near the crown and county courts, not to mention the police, solicitors and university law school. The court is also good for the town centre economy, bringing hundreds of staff, magistrates, volunteers, lawyers, witnesses and defendants into Kingston every week.
For more detail see
At the AGM of the Spring Grove Residents' Association Steve Cardis, the Planning Manager for Kingston Council, gave a talk on Kingston's Core Strategy, which will guide change in the borough over the next 15 years, and on the South London Waste Plan proposals. The Core Strategy could impact on the Spring Grove area due to its proximity to the Hogsmill Valley where one of the options under discussion includes an 800 bed student village in Lower Marsh Lane, while the Waste Plan could impact on the Villiers Road site. Other guest presenters at the meeting included representatives from the University, the Safer Neighbourhood Police team and Cllr Chrissie Hitchcock. Click here to read the minutes of the meeting.
Kelly Arms Planning Application Rejected
| Posted 31st May 2010 |
The proposal by a developer to modify the Kelly Arms building to use the first floor and roof level for two flats (one 4 bedroom and one 3 bedroom) for use for students was considered by the Kingston Town Neighbourhood Planning Committee on 27th May. The meeting was attended by a number of residents from Alfred, Glenthorne and Bloomfield Roads.
Presentations were made by the Council’s Planning Officer (who recommended approval), by the developer and by a representative for the objectors. After a question and answer session and discussion amongst the Councillors, the committee voted unanimously to reject the proposal.
Possible Courses for Residents at the Department of Art, Design and Architecture?
| Posted 24th May 2010 |
Starting in September the Department of Art, Design and Architecture at Knights Park would like to develop some evening or weekend courses for Kingston residents. We would like to get your views about the type of courses you would like us to provide. Please email your ideas to:
If residents would like to look around the Knights Park or any other of the university campuses to see what else we offer to local people please contact Anne Barr, Community Liaison Advisor on 020 8417 3524 or email
Invitation to local residents to Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture – Degree Show 2010
| Posted 21st May 2010 |
Here's an invitation from the Dean of the Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture to local residents
We are delighted to invite you to come and enjoy the work of our final year students at this year’s undergraduate degree show, for which the Private View is on Saturday 5th June at the Knights Park Campus. As one of our local residents we would very much like you to join us for afternoon tea at 3 pm. You will also have the opportunity to be shown around the Show by current students.
The quality of our students’ work is recognised nationally and internationally and consequently the Degree Show attracts an enormous number of people every year to see the work of some of the most promising young artists and designers in the country.
This year promises to be an exceptional Degree Show and we look forward very much to seeing you. Please call Elizabeth Gardner 020 8417 4064 or email
by Wednesday 2nd June to let us know how many of your family will attend on the day.
Kelly Arms Planning Application
| Posted 17th May 2010 |
A developer has submitted a planning application to modify the Kelly Arms building to use the first floor and roof level for two flats (one 4 bedroom and one 3 bedroom) for use for students.
The specific wording for the application (Planning reference number: 10/12129/FUL) shown on the RBK website is: "Erection of hip to gable and two dormer windows to South elevation to facilitate use of first floor and roof level as 1 x 4 bedroom and 1 x 3 bedroom flats for student accommodation; erection of single storey bin and cycle enclosure on Alfred Road frontage."
The SGRA understand that the application will be discussed at the next meeting of the Planning Committee scheduled for 27th May.
Local residents have raised a number of concerns about the application to members of the SGRA committee; the SGRA sent a letter summarising these concerns to Kingston Council on 3rd May. If you would like to see a copy of the letter please either send an email stating you name and address or contact your street rep. Many residents have also sent individual letters of objection.
For more details or to submit an electronic comment on the application click here,or go to the RBK website,click on planning applications, then search the planning database using the reference number shown above (10/12129).
Maple Road Surbiton Farmers’ Market
| Posted 17th May 2010 |
Maple Road Surbiton Farmers’ Market takes place on the 3rd Saturday of every month. There are 25 stalls of fresh produce - meats, fish, veg, pies, bread, cakes, juices, flowers and plenty more... The next one will be on Saturday 19th June from 9am to 1pm. For information see
Each month the Farmers’ Market hosts a stall run by a local charity or fundraising organisation.
The market will also be donating in the region of £300 to fund a special lunch for the elderly at Surbiton Assembly Rooms on May 19. More than 30 local people are expected to attend the lunch, organised under the Friendship Hour scheme, an outreach project of Surbiton High School. In addition, the market will again be donating raffle prizes for events at nearby Maple Road Infants School and St Andrew’s & St Mark’s Junior School.
The market is organised by and for the community. For more information see
Not another nightclub in Kingston (NANIK) Petition
| Posted 10th May 2010 |
The SGRA, along with other local residents' associations have received an email from a Kingston Resident to say that the Gala Bingo Hall in Richmond Road has been bought by a company that operates nightclubs. She has set up a petition on the RBK website to "demonstrate to RBK that local residents, pubs and SME's in and around the Canbury Ward will not tolerate planning or licensing changes to allow a nightclub in the location of the 'Gala Bingo Hall'."
The background information on the petition states that "It has come to our attention that the Gala Bingo Hall has been sold to a company that plans to open a nightclub in this location. The knock on effect of this to the local area would be disastrous with an increase in anti-social behaviour, litter, noise, potential damage to local property, impact on other local businesses etc. Adding your name to this petition shows you care about what the long term effects this could have on your community and way of life. If you don't want another nightclub please add your name to the list."
If you would like to sign link to and click on 'Not another nightclub in Kingston' petition in bottom right hand corner or go to 'Live Petitions'.
Knights Park Exhibition - Message from the University
| Posted 10th May 2010 |
You are invited to an exhibition of plans for the Quad courtyard at Knights Park. We are planning to create a modern, open-plan LRC on the ground floor.
You can drop in to Knights Park any time from 3.00 –8.00pm on Friday 14 May 2010 or 10.00am – 1.00pm on Saturday 15 May. The plans will also be available online next week.
SGRA A.G.M. In The Parish Hall, Grove Lane Thursday 29 April at 8pm
| Posted 29th April 2010 |
The Annual General Meeting of the Spring Grove Residents' Association will be held in the Parish Hall. All local residents, longstanding or recently arrived in the area, are welcome to attend.
We will have a number of guests including the Planning Policy Manager from Kingston Council, Steve Cardis, who will talk about Kingston's Core Strategy and the South London Waste Plan proposals. The Core Strategy will guide development and change in the borough over the next 15 years and will set the overall planning framework looking at future land use within the borough. The Waste Plan will guide the management of waste processing and the distribution of waste management facilities in 4 London boroughs, including Kingston. The Core Strategy could be of particular importance to the Spring Grove area due to its proximity to the Hogsmill Valley where one of the options currently on the table includes an 800 bed student village in Lower Marsh Lane, while the Waste Plan could impact on the Villiers Road site.
Other guests will include local councilor Chrissie Hitchcock; Anne Barr, the Community Liaison Advisor from Kingston University and Mark Horne, the General Manager of the Students Union; and Sgt Dave Williams who heads the Grove Ward Safer Neighbourhood police team.
This will be your opportunity to raise any local issues that concern you directly with council officers, our political representatives, university representatives and police officers.
To ensure that everyone gets an opportunity to be heard, anyone wishing to put a question to the speakers or to place an item on the agenda, should contact us. As a limited amount of time is available, questions tabled in advance will be given priority.
If any resident wishes to join the committee or help with community activities please contact us. There are normally about six committee meetings (lasting about 1½ hours) during the year together with several social events, so it is not an onerous task. In particular, we would welcome representatives from Glenthorne & Balmoral Rds, Lingfield Ave, Herbert and Horace Rds.
Kingston Reader's Festival
| Posted 29th April 2010 |
The eighth Kingston Readers' Festival takes place from Thursday 22rd April to Friday 21rd May. There will be many talks, seminars and discussion groups. Most venues are within walking distance of the Spring Grove area. Do support it! For more details see
Enhanceable Quality Jumble Sale at the Geneva Road Centre, Saturday 15 May at 10.30 am
| Posted 29th April 2010 |
Clothes, furniture, bric-a-brac and much more. Refreshments are also available and admission is 50p.
Charity Coffee Morning, St John's Church, Friday 7 May 9.15am to 11.30am
| Posted 29th April 2010 |
Coffee mornings will be held regularly at the church on the first Friday of every month in aid of a different charity each time. This month`s charity is “HELP THE HEROES” which benefits soldiers injured in current conflicts. This is a great opportunity to meet other residents and friends, to chat, relax and enjoy coffee or tea and cake, and raise money for a worthwhile cause at the same time.
| Posted 29th April 2010 |
The Barn Dance held on 26th March was a great success, with about 60 young and not so young enjoying the food and dancing. Many thanks to Jackie and Dominic, Tony, Alan, John and Phil for providing the marvelous music; and to John and Liz for the lively calling. Thanks also to Alan Leeds for his wonderful vegetarian chili and to Natascha Logan for the salads. Thanks to the committee members and the other helpers for organising and helping run the event. We are grateful to McCluskey's Off-Licence, to Carole Martin florist and to all others who donated raffle prizes and helped raise £183 on the night.
More Information about the Hogsmill Valley Options in Kingston's Core Strategy
| Posted 28th January 2010 |
Thanks to Sean Yeates who has summarised the propsed options for developing the Hogsmill Valley in Kingston's Core Strategy. Note that the deadline for commenting on the consulation document is 31st January. If you woud like to reply directly as an individual to the council you can do so via the following link or if you would like to do so through the SGRA committee please get in touch as soon as possible either through your street rep, any committee member or via this website. '
Kingston Core Strategy - Summary of Hogsmill Valley Options
- Hogsmill Valley identified as a key area of change
- Much of area is MOL (Metropolitan Open land) but inaccessible
- Much of inaccessibility is due to current footprint of Sewage Treatment Works and River
- Review of designated MOL is possible due to requirements to improve Sewage Treatment Works. (STW)
- Improvements to STW mean Thames Water might be able to release 12.4 hectares, together with a further 11 hectares subject to feasibility studies.
- Operational review gives opportunity to upgrade MOL quality and public access as STW could feasibly be built on smaller footprint.
- Thames Water would need business case to release land as not compelled to.
- Selective de-designation of MOL with limited development would be possible.
- In exchange for loss of 10% MOL alongside edges of built –up areas, RBK would be able to:
- Increase amount, quality and openness of publicly accessible MOL
- Create parkland, wetland and new foot/cycle paths
- Create link in green chain connecting Kingston with Downs
- Create useable floodplain and improve drainage in area
- Improve sporting infrastructure for Norbiton residents
- Potential for new 3-form Primary School
- Provide more homes
- Meet 40% of Kingston University’s 2,500 bed shortfall
- Work with Thames Water to create district heat network
- Relocate waste station or provide new access route for HGV movements
- Provide long-term home for AFC Wimbledon
- Improve catchment area for Berrylands Station / Chiltern Drive shopping centre.
Option 1 – (RBK Preferred Option)
- Release 8ha of MOL with limited development to built up edges
- 5.3 hectares to running near Kingston Rd and 2.6 hectares of Clayhill Rec Ground and current STW
- This will allow RBK to provide
- 800 student bedspaces at Clayhill Rec will rec facilites
- 3-form entry Primary School
- Extended AFC Wimbledon stadium. Work with club to jointly develop other community rec facilities.
- This might require some residential development to fund above
- Retain cemeteries and allotments –move Kingston Rd allotments to land in south
- Allow some expansion of Surbiton Cemetery with some small boundary changes
- Reduce STW footprint and increase accessibility of MOL
- Regeneration of area by
- Supporting retention/upgrading of small businesses in Lower Marsh Lane and Hampden Road and proved expansion of open land to east of Hampden Road.
- Improve access off Kingston Road to TW’s operational site
- Support Chiltern Drive Shopping Centre Initiative
- All new development to be carbon neutral
- Work with TW to find land in area to develop Combined Cooling Heat and Power plant which generates renewable energy from waste station and STW
- Improved drainage infrastructure
- Seek other environmental/biodiversity improvements and greater public access
- Improve connections
- Build network of cycle/foot paths alongside River and North to South. Residential development will fund this
- Additional access to Clayhill Campus for students and bus on Lower Marsh Lane
- Progress/complete Hogsmill Valley Walk
- Seek improvements to Berrylands Station
- Resolve parking/turning conflicts in Lower Marsh Lane
- Improve access and prove parking for Surbiton cemetery
Option 2 (Minimal Change)
- Minor adjustments to MOL boundaries including allowing expansion of Surbiton cemetery.
- Complete Thames Water conservation improvements, work with them to reduce built footprint.
- Implement permissive rights of way granted to RBK by TW and negotiate further extensions with them.
Option 3 (Alternatives)
- Release 12 hectares of MOL land to development:
- 0.8 hectare adjacent to Clayhill and 1.8 hectare south of current waste station
- 7.3 hectare strip near Kingston Road
- Tighten boundary around TW land to increase accessibility to create district park
- Move Kingston Road Allotments south
Option 3A
- Improve access from Kingston Rd to TW’s operational site and provide new link road to Athelsten Road waste facility to relieve local residential roads of HGVs
- Relocate Athelsten Road Recreation ground to western scrubland and develop this land for residential purposes (50-80) dwelling units.
Option 3B
- Relocate waste station to within new reduced STW footprint
- Use the old waste station site and TW scrub land to extend Kingsmill Business Park and provide 90-144 residential homes
- Extend AFC on existing site + adjoining open land or relocate to existing allotment site and part of Kingston Road rec ground.
- Primary School could be located on site not chosen by AFC
- Provide new leisure facilities north of Hogsmill (youth centre, playing fields, boxing ring,new leisure centre, improved children’s playgrounds)
Kingston Hospital\'s A&E and maternity services under threat
| Posted 28th January 2010 |
Here's the beginning of an article from the Kingston Guardian.
Kingston Hospital’s accident and emergency and maternity units could face the axe, after it was revealed today that they were on a shortlist for closure. Liberal Democrat MPs Susan Kramer and Edward Davey said today they had met with high-ranking officials and been told NHS London plans to close A&E and maternity units in south west London. They said a shortlist of two options had been drawn up by health bosses and one of them was to close the A&E and maternity departments at the Galsworthy Road hospital. The MPs have launched a pre-emptive campaign - with a website, - to try and stop the closures and Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, whose third child was born at Kingston’s maternity unit last February, joined them at the hospital on Sunday.
To read the full article click here. And to link to the campaign website
click here
Barn dance - Friday 26th March at 8pm, Parish Hall
| Posted 22nd January 2010 |
The SGRA will be holding a Barn Dance on 26th March in the Parish Hall. More information nearer the time!
Spring Grove Residents' Association AGM : Thursday 29th April, 8pm
| Posted 22nd January 2010 |
The Annual General Meeting of the Spring Grove Residents' Association will be held in the Parish Hall. All local residents, longstanding or recently arrived in the area, are welcome to attend. We normally invite a number of guests including local politicians and representative from the university the Grove Ward community police team. More detail will be available nearer the time
31st January Deadline for the Consultation on RBK's Preferred Strategy Document
| Posted 22 January 2010 |
The deadline for commenting on Kingston's Preferred Strategy consulation document is 31st January. The document refers to major changes in the Hogsmill Valley, including perhaps the development of major student housing (800 bedspaces) in Lower Marsh Lane. A sub-committee of the SGRA will be meeting on 24 January to discuss responses to this and more info will then be posted on the website. If you woud like to reply directly as an individual to the council you can do so via the following link or if you would like to do so through the SGRA committee please get in touch either through your street rep, any committee member or via this website.
Postal Scam
| Posted 28 November 2009 |
Please be aware of the following scam which has been uncovered by the Royal Mail whereby a card is posted through your door from a company called PDS (Parcel Delivery Service) suggesting that they were unable to deliver a parcel and that you need to contact them on 0906 6611911 (a Premium rate number). DO NOT telephone this number, as this is a mail scam originating from Belize. If you do call the number and you start to hear a recorded message you will already have been billed £15 for the phone call. If you do receive a card with these details, then please contact Royal Mail Fraud on 02072396655.
Parish Hall Committee AGM, Tuesday December 1st, 7pm in the Parish Hall
| Posted 23 November 2009 |
The Parish Hall Committee AGM will be held on Tuesday December 1st at 7pm in the hall. All hall users, church members and local residents are welcome.
Spring Grove Residents Noticeboard now erected in Parish Hall Grounds
| Posted 19 November 2009 |
The SGRA now has a noticeboard in the grounds of the Parish Hall for notices of interest to the community.If you live in the SGRA area and have a notice would be of community interest please contact either your SGRA street rep or Karol Smal on 020-8549-8424.
Plan B - 10 Year celebration, 5th December, 7.30pm at the Parish Hall
| Posted 19 November 2009 |
Local band Plan B celebrate 10 years together with an evening of entertainment on Saturday 5th December, 7.30-11.30, St John's Parish Hall, Grove Lane. Special guests are the up and coming London band Morton Valence. There will be a licensed bar and food on sale. Tickets are £7 from a band member (if you know one!) or Tony Hardy on 020 8549 7572.
Christmas at St John’s
| Posted 19 November 2009 |
We warmly welcome everyone in the neighbourhood to our Christmas services. Do come along for a good sing to our Candlelight Carols Service and share the magic of Christmas with your children at our Crib Service on Christmas Eve. Here are the details:
- Candlelight Carols Service followed by mulled wine, sausage rolls and mince pies, Sunday 20th December at 4pm.
- Crib Service at 4pm on Christmas Eve. Children are invited to come dressed as shepherds, angels and kings, or oxen and asses if they prefer! (Or come as they are and we’ll provide props.) Best to come early as it’s usually full house. There will be a collection taken at this service which will be split between two charities: Women and Children First which works to improve the health and wellbeing of women and children in poor communities with a focus on pregnancy and the first month of life, and KCAH, who work with the homeless and this year will be opening churches in Kingston as night shelters for those on the streets over the coldest winter months.
- Midnight Mass will be at 11.30pm on Christmas Eve and there will be a Family Christmas Communion at 10am on Christmas Day.
Our first Family Service of the New Year will be on Sunday 3rd January when we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany and remember the journey of the wise men to Bethlehem.
Everyone is very welcome!
Spring Grove Fring present These Sceptre'd Isles - Friday 20th and Saturday 21st November
| Posted 19 November 2009 |
Don't spend a miserable Saturday night in watching the X Factor. Don't cook for yourselves! Come and support your local drama group who are performing These Sceptre’d Isles, music, poetry, prose and a little bit of drama from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales on Friday 20th and Saturday 21st November. Tickets which ocst £15.00 to include supper from the Box Office on 020 8549 0313 or email
Oyster cards, Bus Passes and Travelcards available from Spring Grove Newsagents
| Posted 19 November 2009 |
Remember that you can buy Oyster cards, bus passes and Travelcards from Raj Patel at the Spring Grove Newsagents in Springfield Road.
Kingston University invitation to local residents party
| Posted 19 November 2009 |
Kingston University have invited residents to the Knights Park Bar for a small get together for local people on 21 st December from 6 - 8.30pm. Nibbles and drinks will be available. Limited places are available so to receive your invitation please contact Anne Barr by email
or telephone 020 8417 3524.
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University Open Meeting for Residents : Tuesday 27 October, 6.30 – 8.00pm,
Stanley Picker Gallery
| Posted 17 October 2009 |
The University’s next Open Meeting for Local Residents will be on Tuesday 27 October from
6.30 – 8.00pm at the Stanley Picker Gallery, Kingston University, Knights Park, KT1 2QJ.
- As usual there will be a chance to discuss whatever you would like to talk about, or know more about.
- We’re also offering everyone the opportunity of a Private View of the exhibition Strange Places: Urban Landscape Photography. Find out more about the Gallery and the exhibition at
- Everyone will also get a chance to meet Anne Barr, our new Community Liaison Advisor. Some of you have already met Anne, who will be working closely with the local community.
It would be helpful if you could let Deirdre Ferrier know if you are coming either by phoning her on 020 8417 3133
or by emailin her at :
St John's 20/20 meeting, Thursday 22 October at 8pm
| Posted 17 October 2009 |
You probably know the church of St John the Evangelist in Grove Lane. It's a huge building in the heart of the community. But have you ever considered how you could use it? Do you need space to teach, meet, demonstrate, train, entertain or rehearse? The possibilities are endless.
We have a fantastic space inside this large and handsome building which we are poised to regenerate. The essential repairs are almost complete, the scaffolding will be coming down, it's time to make some key decisions about the way we re-order the building to maximise its potential and we would very much value the views and input of the Spring Grove community.
Everyone is warmly invited to the 20/20 Vision open evening in the the church on Thursday 22 October at 8pm. Come and take a fresh look inside and share your vision and a glass of wine with us.
Summer Barbeque photos
| Posted 17 October 2009 |
The SGRA and High Herland senior citizen's barbeque on 6 September was a great success. The weather was great and about 50 people thoroughly enjoyed the good food and good company. noel Jones sand a medley of songs from the sixties. Many thanks to all who helped organise and run the veent and to all who domated raffle prizes. In particular the SGRA would like to thank Kingston Universitym, the Spirng Gorve pub, Carole Martin's flower shop and the other shops in Bloomfield Road for their donations. For photos of the event click here
St John's Harvest Festival on Sunday 11th October at 10am
| Posted 15 September 2009 |
St John's Harvest Festival will be on Sunday 11th October at 10am (and NOT the 4th as publicised in Springboard). Contributions of food (non perishable) for those in need are welcome and there will be a collection for Water Aid.
Have your say on Kingston Hospital's Plans to become an NHS Foundation Trust
| Posted 20 July 2009 |
Kingston Hospital are currently seeking community views on its plans to become an NHS Foundation Trust. According to the Hospital website:
|   | "A Foundation Trust is still part of the NHS, but local people and patients will be able to have more say in the shape of the services provided by a Foundation Trust in the future.
In summary, Foundation Trusts are:
- Still part of the NHS
- Free and are not run for profit
- Expected to keep to NHS standards and meet performance targets
- Inspected regularly
If Kingston Hospital become a Foundation Trust it will:
- Give our local communities a way of influencing what happens in the Trust and the way we develop in the future
- Give Kingston Hospital greater freedom over what we do locally and how we do it
- Give Kingston Hospital freedom to borrow money to invest in developments, change the way we do things and make services better, quicker and with more choice for local people
To become a Foundation Trust, there is a rigorous authorisation process. If we are successful, we will become a Foundation Trust in 2010. Local people can become members of our Foundation Trust and can vote or stand in elections to the new Board of Governors. We are actively recruiting members and if you are interested in finding out more about membership please see the website." |
The consultation lasts until 16th September 2009. For more information see
New Malden Fire Station Open Day : Saturday 25th July 1pm - 4.30pm
| Posted 20 July 2009 |
Come and meet your local firefighters for fire safety advice, free smoke alarm fitting, fire and rescue demonstrations and a chance to view fire service equipment. The fire stations is at 130 Burlington Road, New Malden, KT3 4RW. For more info phone 020-8555-1200 Ext 84557.
St Johns Field of Hope
| Posted 18 June 2009 |
St John’s Church are organising a Field of Hope in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care. Come spring, we hope to have a field of some 200 daffodils in the churchyard, each one dedicated to a loved one that has suffered from cancer.
On Saturday, 3rd October we will be planting the bulbs and running a coffee morning, so please put this date in your diaries. If you would like to dedicate a daffodil to someone, we ask that you donate £5 to Marie Curie. We will be collecting donations after services on Sundays and door to door, or you can contact Caroline Goodwin at
for more details. Please support this great cause and help to brighten up our local area!
Many thanks to Garsons who have offered to provide the daffodil bulbs.
Minutes from the Spring Grove Residents' Association AGM, 30th April 2009
| Posted 10 May 2009 |
There were talks and Q&A sessions with a number of guests at the SGRA AGM including Edward Davey MP, Grove Ward Councillor Chrisse Hitchcock, Sgt Dave Williams and PCSO Jackie Reader from the Grove Ward Safer Neighbourhood Team, Andrew Lynch, Partnerships and Implementation Group Manager, Kingston Council (talking about the Core Strategy) and Mark Callaby (Student Union Vice President, Kingston University). Click here to read the minutes.
Grove Ward Police Safer Neighbourhood Team Newsletter - May 2009
| Posted 5 May 2009 |
Please click here to read the latest newsletter from the Grove Ward Safer Neighbourhood Team which includes information on late night patrols, supporting Kingston's homeless, bike marking and the community payback scheme.
The Sustainable Communities Act - Ideas for making Kingston a better place to live
| Posted 5 May 2009 |
Kingston Council is looking for ideas for making Kingston an even better place to live. The deadline for submitting ideas is 22nd May and they will be considered by a Community Panel in June. For more information see
APPASSIONATA - opera as you will never have seen it!
| Posted 5 May 2009 |
Appassionata will be presented by the Kingston University Chorus, Chamber Choir, Brass Ensemble and Drama Department, directed by Dr. David Osbon. If you enjoyed last year's Vox Rosa, you will love this latest offering from the School of Performance and Screen Studies - Purcell's famous opera DIDO AND AENEAS, but multi-media with live sound diffusion and special effects.
Tickets available on the door, or from
020 8417 5430, price £10, £5 (conc) or £2 (NUS).For more details click on the poster
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The Sound of Musicals - Parish Hall, Grove Lane Fri 8th May at 8pm and Sat 9th May at 7.30pm
| Posted 22 April 2009 |
Spring Grove Fringe will be presenting The Sound of Musicals - an evening of song and dance from the musical theatre - all your favourites and more...on Fri 8th May at 8.00pm and Sat 9th May at 7.30pm. Tickets will be £15 to include supper from Sandy on 07889 094331 or e-mail
There will be a licensed bar.A donation to Scope will be made from the profit from this production
Core Strategy Workshop : 28th April at 7pm, St John's Primary School
| Posted 22 April 2009 |
Kingston Council is preparing a Local Development Framework (LDF) to plan for new development over the next 15-20 years. The LDF will comprise of several documents, for example, an area action plan for Kingston town centre (K+20) has already been prepared which you can read about at:
RBK are now working on another part of the LDF called the Core Strategy. This will set a long term vision and policies for the development of the borough as a whole. It will address many issues like housing, employment, environment and the economic development of the borough of Kingston.
To inform this work the Council are seeking views from local residents and residents association within Kingston on the issues and the options developed. There will be a series of workshops. If you would like to attend , Please contact the Council by telephone (020 8547 5312) or email (
- Kingston – Norbiton/Grove Ward – Tuesday 28 April 2009 at 7pm at St John’s Primary School- Portland Road
- Kingston – Canbury/Tudor Ward – Wednesday 29 April 2009 at 7pm at Tudor Hall
- Tolworth – Tuesday 5 May 2009 at 7pm at Raeburn Hall, United Reform Church
- Surbiton – Thursday 7 May 2009 at 7pm at Hollyfield School
- Malden Rushett – Tuesday 12 May 2009 at 7pm at Chessington Nurseries
You can view the full Issues and Options document, and can complete a questionnaire on-line at, or at Council libraries, the Malden Centre and the Council Offices in Guildhall 2.
If you have would like to discuss the Local Development Framework, or have any questions please contact the Council.
51 Portland Rd : Change of Use Planning Application rejected
| Posted 31 March 2009 |
An application was made by CRI (Crime Reduction Initiatives) to Kingston Council change the use of Survey House, 51 Portland Road from Business use to a non-residential Institution. Specifically CRI sought to set up a substance misuse centre at the premises. More than 80 objections were received by the Council including a letter from the SGRA (click here to read it).
On 27th March the Council refused permission primarily because it would result in a loss of employment land and the transport connections are poor. CRI now have six months in which to appeal.
Here are two notices from Kingston Council:
There are many miles of footpaths, bridleways, and cycle tracks that wind their way through the borough. Maintaining and improving these \'Rights of Way\' is the responsibility of Kingston Council. The Council has published a draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan which takes a detailed look at how the local Rights of Way network should be managed, maintained and improved to meet the needs of walkers, cyclists, equestrians and, wherever possible, less able users. Residents and other Rights of Way users now have until 17 April to read the draft plan and offer their feedback.
Website:\ or phone 020 8547 5748
Planning our future together
Local residents and businesses are being invited to help plan future developments and change in the Royal Borough during the next 20 years. Kingston Council is currently preparing a Local Development Framework (Core Strategy) for the Royal Borough a document that will replace the current Unitary Development Plan (UDP) and is inviting residents and businesses to have their say.
Website: or phone 020 8547 5312
| Posted 31 March 2009 |
Annual General Meeting - Thursday 30th April at 8pm, Parish Hall, Grove Lane
| Posted 24 March 2009 |
The AGM of the Spring Grove Residents' Association will be held in the Parish Hall. All residents, longstanding or recently arrived in the area, are welcome to attend. As usual, we will have a main guest speaker who, together with our Ward Councillors, representatives from the University and the Grove Ward Safer Neighbourhood Police team and other guests, will answer your questions on matters concerning our area. Details to follow in the next Springboard.
Easter Holy Week at St John's Church
| Posted 24 March 2009 |
On Palm Sunday (5 April) everyone can meet at St John’s School playground at 9.45am where palms will be blessed and distributed, before processing to the church for Parish Communion.
On Good Friday (10 April) there will be a children’s Workshop from 1.30-3.30pm in the church, followed by a Good Friday service for all ages.
On Easter Sunday (12 April) the Easter Communion at 10am will be followed by an egg hunt for the children.
Spring Grove Fringe Quiz Night, Friday 27th March at 8pm, Parish Hall
| Posted 24 March 2009 |
Spring Grove Fringe present a fund raising quiz for teams of 6-8. Tickets are £7 including supper and are available from Pam Vaughan (8549-0313)
Allotments at Addison Gardens
| Posted 24 March 2009 |
From 2009 the management of these local allotments passed into the lands of allotment plot holders (no longer RBK contractors, Quadron). Several plots of about 100 square metres will be made available shortly at a very modest annual rent of £29.50. If you want to grow your own fruit and vegetables this year please contact Joan McConn (Lettings Secretary) on 8549-8424 to join the waiting list.
Trees in Portland Road
| Posted 24 March 2009 |
At the end of January, residents in Portland Road received a letter from Kingston Council informing them that 14 mature lime trees were to be removed over two years. Following intervention by concerned residents, SGRA and Councillor Chrissie Hitchcock the felling was postponed to allow time for further discussion.
The roots of a number of trees were restricting access along the pavements and at a meeting between Council Officers and SGRA representatives it was agreed that a phased felling and replacement of trees should take place. Five of the problematic trees have now been felled and are due to be replaced by ornamental pears (Pyrrus Calleryana “Chanticleer”). A further two trees – upright hornbeams – will be planted in available positions by St John’s School.
Two more limes will be removed early in 2010 and three ornamental pears will be planted. All the new trees will be allowed to develop and any further removal of lime trees will be postponed until early 2013 when there will be a re-assessment. Portland Road pavements will be surveyed and repaired as necessary.
Plan B presents a Floor Show - Parish Hall, Saturday 7th March 7.30 for 7.45pm
| Posted 14 February 2009 |
Well you can only take so much austerity so it's goodbye to those nights in and hello to Plan B's tribute to the Parish Hall floor on SATURDAY 7 MARCH. Not only can you dust off the dancing shoes, you'll also be helping kick start a fund to replace the said floor which has less than 2 year's useful life left!
Doors open at 7.30, and the music for the evening starts around 7.45 with The Mayfly Trio ( who starred at our July show, performing their highly original and eclectic musical mix, topped by Aurelie’s sparkling vocals.
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Around 8.30 we'll welcome the wonderful Kate Walsh, who was no. 1 on iTunes last year (ahead of Elton John and Take That), is now signed to the world's biggest record label and famous in the USA as well as the UK. After Kate, time for an interval and raffle, followed by the mighty Plan B. This will be the time of night to get on your feet and reduce the floor's useful life even further as we turn up the volume and rock the night away.
There's a bar and nibbles (but no food for sale, so eat first). For those out of borough you'll find the Parish Hall on the sat nav in Grove Lane, Kingston, KT1 2SU. Tickets are just £7 in advance from any member of Plan B,
or email
. Proceeds will go to the new floor fund.
For more details click on the poster
Pancake Supper -St John's Church, Shrove Tuesday 24th Feb 5.30 - 7.30pm
| Posted 14 February 2009 |
There will be a pancake supper at St John's church on Shrove Tuesday. Everyone is very welcome from 5.30 - 7.30pm on Tuesday 24th Feb. Tickets, which are in aid of the repair appeal, are £5 for adults to include 2 pancakes and a glass of punch, and only £1 for children. There will be pancakes galore, great fillings and pancake races for the energetic! Tickets from Pat Lines on 020 8546 8181 or email Mimi Fagan at
Police: The Grove Ward Safer Neighbourhood Team
| Posted 11 February 2009 |
The Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT)for Grove Ward now comprises one sergeant, two constables and three police community support officers who are based at Kingston Police Station and are dedicated to supporting the local community. Click here to read a copy of the team's most recent newsletter.
The objective of the SNT is local policing; to work in conjunction with the community to identify and tackle issues of concern in the neighbourhood. The team want to hear about any areas of concern - be it for example anti-social behaviour, graffiti, noisy neighbourhoods, yobs, vandalism -so please contact them if you have any concerns either by:
More details are available on the Safer Neighbourhoods Team website Note that the SNT do not deal with emergency 999 calls - these are dealt with be the emergency response team.
Sgt Dave Williams and PCSO Jackie Reader will be presenting at the SGRA AGM on 30th April.
Spring Grove Fringe Pantomime : - Friday 6th and Saturday 7th Feb
| Posted 23 January 2009 |
The Spring Grove Fringe will be presenting 1001 Nights and a Matinee on Friday February 6th at 8pm and on Saturday February 7th at 2.30pm and 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. For tickets telephone 07835-968729 or send an email to
For more details click on the poster.
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University Meeting for local residents - Thursday 29th January, 6.30-8pm, Senior Common Road, Knights Park Campus
| Posted 23rd January 2009 |
The university will be holding the next meeting for local residents to raise issues and conerns of mutual interest on Thursday 29th January at 6.30pm in the Senior Common Room of the Knights Park Campus. As always it will be a chance to meet senior representatives of the university and to discuss any related issues that are important to you. Light refreshments will be served.
Barn dance - Friday 20th March at 8pm, Parish Hall
| Posted 23rd January 2009 |
Another date for your diary - the SGRA will be holding a Barn Dance on 20th March in the Parish Hall. Keep the date free and watch our for more information nearer the time.
Spring Grove Residents' Association AGM : Thursday 30th April, 8pm
| Posted 23rd January 2009 |
The Annual General Meeting of the Spring Grove Residents' Association will be held in the Parish Hall. All local residents, longstanding or recently arrived in the area, are welcome to attend. We normally invite a number of guests including local politicians and representative from the university the Grove Ward community police team. More detail will be available nearer the time
Christmas Unsigned - A concert at St John's Church, Saturday 6th December
| Posted 27 November 2008 |
Local singer-songwriter, ANDREW MORRIS, headlines with his great band. Local favourites, fish!, open the show with a special unplugged set and the wonderful KATE WALSH is making a special guest appearance. Kate's album, Tim's House, was a No 1 album on itunes last year - the first unsigned artiste to achieve this! Tickets £10 (£6 concessions) from Tony Hardy on 07802 381130. Proceeds to St John Eye Hospital Appeal. Links to all the artistes at
Tickets are £10 and available from Tony Hardy (07802 381130). Please come and enjoy some excellent music and brilliant acoustics in our lovely candlelit church! For more details click on the poster or to read the press release click here.
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Oyster top-ups, bus passes and travel cards now available at Spring Grove Newsagents
| Posted 27 November 2008 |
Our local Spring Grove Newsagents at 24 Bloomfield Road is now an official Ticket Stop where Oyster top-ups, bus passes and travel cards can be purchased. Do support this useful service for residents. The shop is open from 7am to 7pm Monday - Friday and from 7.30am – 1.30pm at weekends.
New Year's Concert by Kingston Philharmonia - United Reform Church, Eden Street, Saturday 10th January 2009
| Posted 4th December 2008 |
Kingston Philharmonia are holding a concert at the United Reform Church in Eden Street (note this is differemt from the orchestra's usual venue) on Saturday 10th January at 7.30pm. The orchestra will be conducted by Levon Parikian and will play:
- Mozart : Marriage of Figaro Overture
- Mozart : Flute Concerto in G
- Vaughan Williams : March of the Kitchen Utensils
- Sibelius : Valse Triste
- Benjamin : Two Jamaican Pieces
- Kabalevsky : Galop and Valse from The Comedians
- Leroy Anderson : The Waltzing Cat
- Tchaikovsky : Polonaise and Waltz from Eugene Onegin
- Offenbach : Galop from Orpheus in the Underworld
Tickets are £10 each, £9 for concessions and £2 for children and are available on the door or from Hands Music in Kingston or Albert\'s Music Store in Twickenham
A petition to maintain the quality and integrity of our conservation areas
| Posted 27 November 2008 |
The quality of the built environment within the Borough's 26 Conservation Areas has been and continues to be eroded by property owners abusing their 'permitted development' rights to make unsympathetic alterations to their buildings and front gardens. Tougher powers are available to local planning authorities to tackle this by adopting the provisions of Article 4 of the General Permitted Development Order. If you agree, please sign this petition on line - it takes just about 1 minute to complete – so we would be grateful for your support. The link is: and you can also see how Richmond deal with Article 4.
University Music Events late 2008/early 2009
| Posted 27 November 2008 |
Residents are invited to a number of musical events by Kingston University. Click here for more details.
Thursday 29 January: University Open Meeting at 6.30pm
| Posted 27 November 2008 |
Kingston University holds regular Open Meetings to discuss issues of mutual interest with local residents, and this meeting will be in the Senior Common Room at the Knights Park campus.
Christmas Services: St John's Church on 24 and 25 December
| Posted 27 November 2008 |
On Christmas Eve there will be a Children’s crib service at 4pm, a chance for your children to take part in the Christmas story. Midnight Communion will be at 11.30pm and the Parish Family Service will take place at 10am on Christmas Day.
Sunday 21 December: Carols by Candlelight in St John's Church at 4pm
| Posted 27 November 2008 |
A Carol Service of light and symbolism. Come with your children and join in the singing.
Petition for free Garden Waste Collection
| Posted 27 November 2008 |
There is a petition online for free garden waste collection. Please click here for more details.
Thursday 4 December: Transition Town Kingston (TTK) AT C-SCAIPE Department, Kingston University, Penrhyn Road entrance at 7.15 for 7.45
| Posted 27 November 2008 |
TTK's guest speaker, renowned environmental economist, Dr. David Fleming, will be exploring the importance of celebration in bringing communities to life, and promises to lift spirits as winter closes in! Refreshments will be provided, there is no entry charge and all are welcome. TTK is a local response to the twin challenges of climate change and peak oil. For more information see and
Saturday 29 November: A Christmas Cracker at St John's Church 12 noon - 3.00pm
| Posted 27 November 2008 |
Come and enjoy a traditional Christmas Bazaar at your local church. Entrance is free and there's something for everyone, from toddlers to grannies - lots of stalls, from books and bargains to toys and jewellery, children's activities including a Santa's Grotto, hot lunches, mulled wine & mince pies, refreshments, a raffle and tombolas and, of course, the legendary Silent Auction where you can bid for anything from a holiday cottage break to a lift to the airport. Everyone welcome!
Consultation on South London Waste Plan
| Posted 24 October 2008 |
Two committee members attended a consultation workshop at the Rose Theatre on 16th October about the South London Waste Plan. The plan will define planning policies and site allocations for waste processing and management in four boroughs (Croydon, Kingston, Merton, and Sutton)and is of particular relevance to Spring Grove Residents because of our promximity to the Villiers Road site.
The Council are seeking views on a range of issues which are important in shaping the Waste Plan including:
- The Vision and Objectives of the South London Waste Plan
- How much of our waste should we deal with?
- Distribution of waste management sites
- Where should the new facilities go?
- Should the South London Waste Plan specify technologies to be used at each site?
- How should we monitor the success of the Plan?
Interested parties can complete a questionnaire as part of the consultation. This must be returned by 31st October and can be found on
Green Issues
| Posted 24 October 2008 |
The SGRA debated a number of green issues at the recent committee meeting. Two local groups which have contacted committee members are:
- Transition Towns Kingston (TTK : The main purpose of this group is “to mobilise and facilitate community action in order to respond effectively and positively to climate change and peak oil” See\ for more detail.
There is a petition beginning "We the undersigned request the Council to ensure that it is informed about the Sustainable Communities Act 2007, to 'opt in' to the Act and to use it to the fullest extent possible to help local people make their communities more economically, environmentally, socially and democratically sustainable .." which local residents can see in more detail and sign on To be effective the petition needs to reach 100 signatures by 31st October.
- Kutlets (Kingston Upon Thames Local Exchange Trading System): This is a community-based barter system. KUTLETS members pool their skills and resources to form a local network, which allows them to trade goods and services without using money. Instead of using pounds and pence, KUTLETS has its own 'currency' called 'Beaks' (named after its old home at the Beacon Centre). KUTLETS was started in 1991 and is one of over 200 similar schemes around the country
Hogsmill Conservation/Clean up day - Sunday 19th October
| Posted 14 October 2008 |
Do you have a spare couple of hours to help conserve the picturesque Hogsmill Valley Walk? Volunteers are needed to clear the pathways of brambles, nettles and tree roots at Oak Tree Walk and The Hollows. All equipment such as secateurs and gloves will be provided along with refreshments.
Please ensure you are wearing protective clothing (the nettles are quite spiteful) and strong shoes/boots or Wellingtons as the ground may be boggy underfoot. Meet at the junction of Southwood Drive and Knollmead, Surbiton
at 10am on Sunday 19th October. For further details please call the Environmental Services Contact Centre on telephone: 020 8547 5929 or click here to see the poster.
Concert by Kingston Philharmonia - Kingston Parish Church, Saturday 18th October
| Posted 12th October 2008 |
Kingston Philharmonia are holding a concert at All Saints Church in the Market Place on Saturday 18th October at 7.30pm. The orchestra will be conducted by Levon Parikian and will play:
- Glinka : Ruslan and Ludmilla Overture
- Schumann : Concertstuck for Four Horns
- Dvorak : Symphony No. 8
Tickets are £10 each, £9 for concessions and £2 for children and are available on the door or from Hands Music in Kingston or Albert\'s Music Store in Twickenham
Spring Grove Fringe presents Chase Me Up Farndale Avenue – Sil vous Plait
| Posted 30 September 2008 |
On Friday 3 October (at 8pm) and Saturday 4 October (7.30pm) the Spring Grove Fringe will be presenting the comedy
Chase Me Up Farndale Avenue – Sil vous Plait. Supper will be served during the interval. Tickets (including the meal) cost £15 and are available from Pam Vaughan on 8549 0313 or apply to Box Office, 21a Grange Road, Kingston KT1 2QU. Not to be missed! |   |
Millfest - Saturday 6th Setpember, 1-7pm on Mill Street Green
| Posted 29 August 2008 |
Mill Street are holding a festival on Saturday 6th Septembe on Mill Street Green. The event will begin at 1pm with dancing by local Morris side OffSpring Morris and there will be bands, BBQ, stalls and more. All proceeds will go to the Shooting Stars Children's Hospice . See the poster for more details.
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Age Concern - Bradbury Centre in Grange Rd
| Posted 29 August 2008 |
The next Springboard newsletter will include information about the Bradbury Centre which is a purpose built drop-in centre which opened in 2005. It is located in Grange Road, a 10-minute walk from the town centre. The centre has been described by members as 'Kingston's best kept secret' and 'a youth club for seniors'. Click here for more details.
Urgent repairs to St John’s Church
| Posted 29 August 2008 |
The church requires urgent masonry work that will cost £69,700. A grant from English Heritage for £31,000 towards the work is available and they can reclaim VAT which leaves £27,000 to raise. They must have this funding in place by March next year to receive the English Heritage grant. If you are able to help with fundraising or would like to make a donation please contact the Rev’d Vicky Maunder on 020 8546 9882
Harvest Festival Service at St John\'s Church - 10am Sunday 7th October
| Posted 29 August 2008 |
All are welcome at this family service where children (and adults) will celebrate and give thanksgiving for the bounty of harvest time. Please feel free to bring a contribution of food (non-perishable) for those in need if you wish.
Summer Barbecue for all residents - Sunday 7 September 12 - 2.30pm, Hugh Herland House, Portland Rd
| Posted 29 August 2008 |
The SGRA are holding their late summer barbecue in the grounds of Hugh Herland (entrance through gate off Bellevue Road). This enables the residents there and other senior citizens living in our area, as well as all residents and children, to become more involved in community activities. Tickets are only £1 per person, and this covers your barbecue lunch (meat or vegetarian burgers, sausages, salads and soft drinks) and you may bring your own alcoholic drinks if you wish.
The Hugh Herland barbecue is a real family event (last year’s was a great success) and we hope that you will come along with your children and have a fun afternoon. There will be live musical entertainment and a raffle (if you have a suitable prize to donate, please call Karol Smal on
8549 8424 or bring it along on the day).
Friday 26 Sept: Macmillan Coffee Morning at St John\'s Church 10am-12 noon
| Posted 29 August 2008 |
Come and enjoy a convivial morning, meeting with other residents and friends and raise money for a worthwhile cause at the same time. Home made cakes/preserves (bring and buy) will be on sale.
Kingston University - Tales from the Riverbank
| Posted 28 August 2008 |
Earlier in the summer, students and staff spent a day hauling two shopping- trolley-loads of rubbish from the Hogsmill. Students and staff from the University are looking forward to donning waders and helping to clean-up the river again on Saturday 27 September.
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Kingston Guardian looking for a community correspondent
| Posted 28 August 2008 |
The Kingston Guardian is looking for a community correspondent who would report local news and events online on a fairly regular basis. If you are interested please email Diana Jarvis on
Kingston Council Request for carers in its Adult Placement Scheme
| Posted 28 August 2008 |
Kingston Council is seeking to attract more carers into its Adult Placement Scheme. The scheme offers vulnerable adults the opportunity to live in a family environment and experience all the benefits that family life has to offer: accommodation, support, warmth, comfort and friendship. Carers, who are paid approximately £350 per week, welcome these people into their homes to live as part of their family and to help them live a normal life in the community.
Carers are carefully matched with people wishing to use the service, bearing in mind the needs and preferences of both. Throughout a placement, which can be long or short term, the Carer is supported by the Adult Placement Team with training, carer meetings and regular reviews.
Kingston Council is keen to expand the scheme and attract new Carers. Posters and fliers are being distributed around the borough to GP surgeries, pharmacies, libraries, Council Helpdesks, resource centres and supermarkets. An information evening is being held on Wednesday 3 September (5.00pm, PCT building, 22 Hollyfield Road, Surbiton, KT5 9AL) for people who want to find out more about being an Adult Carer. See also the RBK webpage
Marie Curie Cancer Care Devoted to Life Walk in Richmond Park - Sat 27th Sept
| Posted 28 August 2008 |
The Marie Curie Cancer Care Devoted to Life Walk will take place in Richmond Park is on Saturday 27th September 2008.It is a perfect event for the whole family and all levels of fitness. You can choose to do a three or six mile route and registration costs £10 for adults and £5 for children (including a free t-shirt).
Money raised will help ensure that more terminally ill cancer patients have the choice of dying at home, in their own beds, surrounded by their families. Marie Curie Nurses work through the night to make sure patients are as comfortable as possible in their final few days. Every £20 raised will pay for an hour of nursing care - which it is completely free to patients and their families.
If you require any further information, posters or registration forms please call Emma Segal on 0207 599 7338 or email her
Kingston - Consultation on the Draft Community Plan
| Posted 20 June 2008 |
The Council are seeking views on the draft Community Plan which covers the vision and priorities for all the public services in Kingston including the Council, Police and local NHS as well as the business and voluntary sectors. The draft plan is available online at Views must be submitted by 15 July.
Minutes from the Spring Grove Residents' Association AGM
| Posted 13 June 2008 |
There were presentations and Q&A sessions with the university, the police, the Grove Ward councillors and Ed Davey, MP at the AGM in April. Click here for the minutes.
University Meeting for local residents - Thursday 5th June, 6.30pm, Meeting Zone, John Galsworthy Building
| Posted 27th April 2008 |
The university will be holding the next meeting for local residents to raise issues and conerns of mutual interest on on Thursday 5th June at 6.30pm in the Meeting Zone in the John Galsworthy Building on the Penryhn Road campus.Click here for more details.
Carmina Burana : Rose Theatre, Sunday May 18th 2008, 7.30pm
| Posted 23rd April 2008 |
Carl Orff's classic work will be performed in the famous two-piano and percussion version at the Rose Theatre on Sunday 18th May by Kingston University Chorus, conducted by Dr. David Osbon, featuring soloists Kathryn Hide, Justin Lavender and Alex Ashworth.
The evening's programme will also featuring a performance of Bernstein's 'Chichester Psalms', and Griffes' 'Poem' (solo flute by Catherine Dimmock, joint winner of Kingston University's 2008 Concerto Competition).
Tickets are available from the Rose Theatre box office ()0871 230 1552) priced at £7, £5 (conc) and £2 (NUS). Booking fee applies. All other enquiries to (0208 547 8430)
Spring Grove Residents' Association AGM : Thursday 24h April, 8pm
| Posted 10th April 2008 |
The Annual General Meeting of the Spring Grove Residents' Association will be held in the Parish Hall. All local residents, longstanding or recently arrived in the area, are welcome to attend. There will be a number of guests including local politicians, a representative from the university and and Sgt Matthew Smith who leads the Grove Ward community police team.
To ensure that everyone gets an opportunity to be heard, anyone wishing to put a question to the speakers or to place an item on the agenda, should notify Chairman Alan Leeds (10 Grove Close – 8287 5135) in writing by Thursday 24 April. As a limited amount of time is available, questions tabled in advance will be given priority by the Chairman.
Kingston Reader's Festival
| Posted 10th April 2008 |
The fifth Kingston Readers' Festival takes place from Wednesday April 23rd to Friday May 23rd. There
are 42 talks, seminars and discussion groups. Most venues are within walking distance
of the Spring Grove area. It's always brilliant - do support it! For more details click here.
Spring Grove Fringe presents "Last Tango in Whitby": Friday 16th and Saturday 17th May
| Posted 10th April 2008 |
The Spring Grove Fringe are presenting “LAst Tango in Whitby” a comedy by Mike Harding on Friday 16th May at 8pm and Saturday 17th May at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. Watch out for posters nearer the date phone 8549 0313 from the beginning of May for more information.
Quiz night in the Parish Hall, Friday 18th April at 8pm
| Posted 10th April 2008 |
The Spring Grove Fringe are hosting a quiz night in the Parish Hall raising money for the St John’s Church “Kitchen” appeal (for details of the appeal see the item about Music to Your Ears below). Tickets are £10 (including supper) and can be obtained from Pam Vaughan, 21a Grange Road, KT1 2QU (8549 0313) or Pat Lines (8546 8181). All are welcome to come and join in an evening of fun.
Public Consultation on Mental Health Services in Kingston
| Posted 22nd March 2008 |
Kingston Primary Care Trust are nearing the end of their public consultation period on mental health services in the borough and on the future of the Springboard Resource Centre. To read more about it or to participate please visit
Barn Dance raises £315
| Posted 18th March 2008 |
The recent Leap year leap raised £315 towards Residents' Association funds, up from £242 last year.
Music to your Ears
| Posted 1st March 2008 |
An answer to a particular prayer at St John’s Church is at last on the horizon! Plans are well advanced for work to start on the ‘kitchen’ very soon. For years, people have battled to serve hot drinks and food without a proper kitchen facility in church and with the only running water in the building available in the washroom.
The new facilities will benefit churchgoers as well as many user groups including St John’s School, Kingston University, the Orpheus Choir and Musical Bumps. The project though is costly and the church is appealing for funds to help pay for the work.
You can help by buying a copy of a unique CD featuring 11 great songs from breakthrough artistes.
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Queen Martha - Spring Grove Fringe Pantomime, Friday 8th Feb and Saturday 9th Feb
| Posted 30th January 2008 |
The Spring Grove Fringe presents a specially written pantomime 'Queen Martha'on Friday 8th February at 8.00pm and Saturday 9th February at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. For more details see the poster.
Concert by Kingston Philharmonia - Kingston Parish Church, Saturday 16th February
| Posted 30th January 2008 |
Kingston Philharmonia are holding a concert at All Saints Church in the Market Place on Saturday 16th February at 7.30pm. The orchestra will be conducted by Levon Parikian and will play:
- Beethoven\'s Egmont Overture
- Brahms\' Double Concerto for violin and cello
- Mendelssohn Symphony No. 3 (Scottish)
Tickets are £10 each, £9 for concessions and £2 for children and are available on the door or from Hands Music in Kingston or Albert\'s Music Store in Twickenham
Leap year Leap - Barn Dance, Friday 29th February
| Posted 28th January 2008 |
There will be a barn dance in the Parish Hall on Friday 29th February. Tickets will be £6 for adults and £3 for children and will include a hot supper. Full details will be available shortly. Watch this space!
University Meeting for local Residents - Wednesday 6th February, 6.30pm
| Posted 28th January 2008 |
The next open meeting for local residents will be on Wednesday 6 February at 6.30pm in the brand new Galsworthy Building in Penrhyn Road. This is an opportunity for residents to raise any issues or concerns directly with the university.
Spring Grove Fringe donate £1200 to Shooting Star Hospice
| Posted 14th December 2007 |
Following the success of the recent production "Comfort & Joy", the Spring Grove Fringe drama group have been able to send a cheque for £1,200 to the Shooting Star Children\'s Hospice (see the website for details its activities). Many thanks to all involved, whether cast, crew or supporters in the audience, and an especial thank you to the director of the production Pam Vaughan for her good humour, quiet authority and boundless energy.
Christmas Unsigned - A concert at St John's Church, Friday 14th December
| Posted 2nd December 2007 |
Last December St John's broke with tradition and put on a special concert of contemporary acoustic - electric music featuring 'unsigned' artistes. Kate Walsh has gone on to have a No 1 album on iTunes and is fast becoming a household name. Revere are now being courted by major record labels. We are delighted to welcome Revere back this year by popular demand. They will be supported by two local singer-songwriters. Andrew Morris - the thinking woman's James Blunt - and Annie-Grace Smith - a fantastic young jazz/soul singer who knocks spots off someone else who's always in the news!
Tickets are £10 and available from Tony Hardy (07802 381130). Please come and enjoy some excellent music and brilliant acoustics in our lovely candlelit church! For more details click on the link
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Grove Ward Community Police Open Meeting - Parish Hall, Tuesday 11th December at 7pm
| Posted 2nd December 2007 |
Residents in our area are invited to meet the local police officers in the Safer Neighbourhood Team and informally discuss any police related community problems (eg noise, anti-social behaviour, vandalism, speeding traffic etc).
Grove Ward Safer Neighbourhoods Team Newsletter
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Kingston Green Spaces, Trees and Allotments Strategy
| Posted 2nd December 2007 |
Here's a message from Kingston Council:
Kingston Council is seeking the views of residents on two draft
strategies setting out how the borough's trees and allotments will be
managed and maintained in the future. Together with the new Green
Spaces Strategy, these documents will form the basis of the Council's
approach to caring for the Borough's green spaces for the next 10
years and beyond.
Residents have until 28 December 2007 to have their say. Copies of
both draft strategies can be downloaded from - where an online feedback form is also available to submit comments or suggestions. The
strategies can also be viewed at local libraries or at the
Environmental Services Reception, Guildhall 2, High Street, Kingston
upon Thames.
The Council is responsible for an estimated 12,000 street trees: many
more within parks, open spaces, school grounds and council housing
estates. It is important that these trees are looked after for the
benefit of all. The Council's Tree Strategy will set out the best
ways to do this.
Meanwhile, allotment gardening is gathering popularity after many
years of modest interest. Kingston has a waiting list of 247 people
for the existing 1,240 plots on 23 sites across the borough. The
Allotment Strategy will give direction for the enhancement and
development of allotments that responds to current demand.
Councillor Liz Shard, Executive Member for Environment and
Sustainability at Kingston Council, said: "Looking after the Borough\'s
trees and allotments is something the Council takes very seriously.
Trees create green corridors along the highway greatly improving the
look and feel of the area. They also do a very important job in
'mopping up' Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere as well as providing
important habitats for urban wildlife.
Allotment gardening is a great way of producing fresh fruit and
vegetables, having light and regular exercise, and getting out and
making new friends with similar interests. The activities undertaken
on allotments contribute to Kingston Council's strategic vision of
environmental sustainability and social inclusion, so it is right that
the Council supports them back.
I would urge residents to get involved: to read the two draft
strategies and to let the Council know what you think of them. You
views will be taken into account."
Kingston University Events and Exhibitions
| Posted 30 October 2007 |
Residents have been invited to a couple of events by the University.
- There will be an opening ceremony for the John Galsworthy Building at Penrhyn Road on Wednesday 14th Novmeber from 2.30- 5 pm. Details can be found here.
- There will be some public exhibitions about campus development plans at the John Galsworthy Building, Penrhyn Road Campus on Friday 16 November from 3.00 – 7.00pm and Saturday 17 November, 10.00am – 1.20pm. Here is the message fromthe University.
Kingston University is continuing to upgrade its campuses as part of its commitment to providing students, staff and the wider community with access to the highest quality facilities for learning and teaching. The first stage of these improvements saw the opening of three flagship buildings in the autumn.
The University is holding public exhibitions at its Penrhyn Road and Kingston Hill campuses in November 2007 outlining its initial thoughts about the direction future development might take. These form part of ongoing consultation, exploring possible options for erecting a new building at Kingston Hill, which would be used mainly by the Kingston Business School, and refurbishment of the Knights Park campus. It also covers smaller projects to make better use of space at Penrhyn Road and Roehampton Vale sites.
The University takes great pride in its position as vibrant seat of learning at the heart of the Kingston community and is very keen to get feedback from local residents on the proposals as they take shape. During the spring, there will be another opportunity to view the plans and give feedback. In the meantime, you can stay up to date by visiting the campus development plan pages on the University’s website at and by attending its regular meetings for local residents. Householders living closest to the University’s campuses should also watch out for its Communicate newsletter dropping through their letterboxes.
Exhibition details:
Friday 16 November, 3.00 – 7.00pm
Saturday 17 November, 10.00am – 1.20pm
Comfort and Joy - Spring Grove Fringe Production, Friday 23rd Nov and Saturday 24th Nov
| Posted 30 October 2007 |
The Spring Grove Fringe presents 'Comfort and Joy', a comedy by Mike Harding in the Parish Hall on Friday 23rd November at 8.00pm and Saturday 24th November at 7.30pm.
Tickets are £12.50 including supper. A licensed bar will be available. Please note that the play is not really suitable for children. For more details click on the poster.
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Church Events - November and December
| Posted 30 October 2007 |
In addition to the barn dance and Choir concert detailed below there will be a number of special events taking place in the Church before Christmas:
- Tue 27 Nov 1.15pm LUNCHTIME JAZZ CONCERT Another in a series of FREE lunchtime concerts, covering classical, choral and modern music being put on by Kingston University. Look out for more dates in the new year.
- Sat 1 Dec 2.00 till 4.00pm CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Please support your local church at its biggest fundraiser of the year. There will be the usual mix of seasonal bargains, fun things for children, the legendary Silent Auction, Raffle, Tombolas, refreshments plus some new attractions, including a Jewellery stall. Please bring your friends and family along.
- Fri 14 Dec 8.00pm CHRISTMAS UNSIGNED
Last December St John's broke with tradition and put on a special concert of contemporary acoustic - electric music featuring 'unsigned' artistes. Kate Walsh has gone on to have a No 1 album on iTunes and is fast becoming a household name. Revere are now being courted by major record labels. We are delighted to welcome Revere back this year by popular demand. They will be supported by two local singer-songwriters. Andrew Morris - the thinking woman's James Blunt - and Annie-Grace Smith - a fantastic young jazz/soul singer who knocks spots off someone else who's always in the news!
Tickets are £10 and available from Tony Hardy (07802 381130). Please come and enjoy some excellent music and brilliant acoustics in our lovely candlelit church! See the poster in the item above (dated 2nd December)
Kingston Orpheus Choir Concert - Saturday 8th December, St John's Church
| Posted 30 October 2007 |
KINGSTON ORPHEUS CHOIR with the Bartholdy Chamber Orchestera will hold a Christmas concert in St John the Evangelist Church, Springfield Road, Kingston upon Thames on Saturday 8th December 2007. Music by Vivaldi, Haydn and Bach with guest soloists. Conductor Ben Palmer. Tickets £10, £8 (concessions) £5 (students). Pay at the door or contact 0208 336 1311
Barn Dance - Saturday 17th November, St John's Church
| Posted 14 October 2007 |
The first ever Barn Dance to be held in church last year was a great success, attracting over 80 people of all ages. Please come and support the return fixture! Colin from Spring Grove Morris will be calling and live music will just about be generated by our very own Plan B Dance Band. There's a bar (donations only), soft drinks and a raffle. Tickets are £5 (Adults), £1 (Children) and £10 (Family - 2 adults + up to 3 children) - available from Pat Lines (8546 8181) or Tony Hardy (07802 381130).
University Meeting for local residents - Wednesday 7th November, 6.30pm, Knights Park campus
| Posted 14th October 2007 |
The university will be holding the next meeting for local residents to raise issues and conerns of mutual interest on on Wednesday 7th November at 6.30pm in the Senior Common Room at the Knights Park Campus. Click here for more details.
Concert by Kingston Philharmonia - Kingston Parish Church, Saturday 20th October
| Posted 14th October 2007 |
Kingston Philharmonia are holding a concert at All Saints Church in the Market Place on Saturday 20th October at 7.30pm. The orchestra will be conducted by Levon Parikian and will play:
- Tchaikovsky's 4th Symphony (the Pastoral)
- George Gershwin's Girl Crazy Overture
- Run to the Edge (Jonathon Dove)
- Baba Yaga (Liadov)
Tickets are £10 each, £9 for concessions and £2 for children and are available on the door or from Hands Music in Kingston or Albert\'s Music Store in Twickenham
Summer Barbeque
| Posted 14 October 2007 |
About 40 people attended the Residents' Association summer barbeque last month in Hugh Herland House - and yet again it was another perfect sunny day. Many thanks to all who donated raffle prizes, in particular to the newly refurbished Kelly Arms in Alfred Road (meal for two), Dynasty Fish and Chipss in Alfred Road (meal for two), Carol's Flower shop in Bloomfield Road (splendid bouquet), Tony Hardy, Mary and Gordon Bell, Joan and Karol Smal, Ali Bennett, McCluskey's Off-licence and others. Thanks you also to all who helped with the preparation, the food etc and special thanks to Noel Jones for his musical interludes!
Spring Grove Fringe Production : Ooh La La … Chase Me Up Farndale Avenue – S'il vous Plait - on Friday 12 October and Saturday 13 October
| Posted 11 September 2007 |
Spring Grove Fringe presents this comedy with a delicious supper served during the interval. Tickets (including the meal) cost £12.50 and are available from Pam Vaughan on 8549 0313 or apply to Box Office, 21a Grange Road, Kingston KT1 2QU. There will be a Licensed bar.
Harvest Festival - St John's Church, Sunday 7th October at 10am
| Posted 11 September 2007 |
All are welcome at this family service where children (and adults) will celebrate and give thanksgiving for the bounty of harvest time. Please feel free to bring a contribution of food (non-perishable) for those in need if you wish
Grove Ward Community Police Open Meeting - Parish Hall, Wed 19th Sept at 7pm
| Posted 11 September 2007 |
Residents in our area are invited to meet the local police officers and informally discuss any police related community problems (eg noise, anti-social behaviour, vandalism, speeding traffic etc).
Freshers' Week at Kingston University
| Posted 9 September 2007 |
The first year students will be arriving at the University from September 14th. The university have sent the SGRA a copy of an article which will be appearing in the first edition of the university newspaper and a letter to residents who live near the Penrhyn Road site. The article is reproduced in full below. Key points from the letter are:
- Freshers weeks starts on Monday 17 September
- The Students’ Union has a number of events on during Freshers Week on the campus during the days and evenings of the week, but as ever we are committed to ensuring that disruption to the local community is minimised.
- The Freshers Fayre runs on Thursday and Friday (the 20th and 21st), and we are aware there has been feedback in the past about litter. To deal with this matter we have hired in many extra industrial sized recycling bins, and are using the “Green Police” – a collective who ensure that litter is properly disposed of in these bins, and give advice on other recycling issues. The Fayre is a showcase for the 100+ activities the Union runs, plus there are a number of commercial stands, and representatives from the University.
- At the end of the week we will be running our Freshers Ball on the Penrhyn Road campus. We have tried to ensure minimum disturbance to you as residents by agreeing to terminate any external music at 12.30am (11.30 for any live music). This will be the only event of this scale held on campus during the year.
- If there are any issues during the week’s other evening events (which are all held in the bar) you can contact Paul Cowan in the bar on 020 8547 8406. For the evening of the ball, you can ring either that number or Mark Horne on 020 8547 8027. We aim to deal with all issues raised in a timely and professional manner.
- As ever, we hope that the year ahead will involve the minimum of disturbance related to Students’ Union activities, and that some of you will benefit from some of the positive work that the Students’ Union undertakes in the local community.
Copy of Article - Everyone loves good neighbours
There are few things worse in life than being woken up unexpectedly, particularly if you have to be up for a 9am lecture or for work the next morning. I’m sure you’d hate it if it happened to you a lot, yet virtually every day the university and Students’ Union receive complaints about people being woken up by people being noisy late at night.
It might not always be students, but when its people going in and out of Clayhill or climbing the gates at Middlemill at 3am, it’s difficult for us to claim otherwise.
It would be mad to suggest that everyone walks into town or home from town to wherever they live in silence, but it would be good to know that if it was you walking home that you might think twice about singing at the top of your voice as you walk along a residential street. It might seem funny to you, but trust me it’s not. And it will be especially unfunny if the Police are called and you are charged with a breach of the peace, or if you are identified to the University and they use their power to remove you from your course under the “bringing the University into disrepute” clause in the Student Code of Behaviour. And no, KUSU doesn’t think it’s a very fair clause – but it has been used in the past, and it will no doubt be used again.
So here are some things to consider when you are travelling home after going to a bar or club:
- Around 60% of violent crime and robberies take place between 10pm and 6am – so reduce the risk to yourself by getting a nightbus or licensed cab. It’s no more than £10 from town to Clayhill or Seething Wells – less than a pint each in a full black cab, and there is no chance of you getting mugged!
- If you do walk home, do not attract attention to yourself – walk in a reasonable sized group (4 or 5 not 10 or 20!), and keep the noise down.
- The Police can issue a spot fine if you are considered to be acting under the influence of alcohol, and there is likely to be an increase in Police presence at this time of year
- Any complaint which identifies you will result in disciplinary action by the University – you could lose your halls room or your place at University.
- Don’t get into an unlicensed cab and definitely don’t drink and drive.
- Above all else remember that not everyone else is lucky enough to be a student, so they probably need to get up early for work, or have children, or just need a quiet night’s sleep – so respect the fact that there are other people around you.
We don’t want to sound like killjoys, but noise is a serious issue, and one that the Police are particularly keen to deal with, as they get it in the neck from local residents for not charging people. Also the University aim to maintain good relationships with those local resident groups, and they have acted on complaints and removed students from their courses as a result of their behaviour at night. So think hard about it – is screaming your mates name across the road at 3am worth losing your University place for? Or getting an £80 spot fine from the Police?
It might not seem very fair but we are asking that you remember you are part of the local Kingston community, and that you should act responsibly as part of it – consider the needs of others, don’t dump your bottles and cans everywhere, and remember that stealing things from peoples gardens is a criminal offence, not a good laugh.
To conclude – like the posters say – when you are going home, think SSHH! And don’t say you weren’t warned of the consequences if you do get caught making too much noise late at night.
Summer Barbecue for all residents - Sunday 9 September, Hugh Herland House, Portland Rd
| Posted 28 August 2007 |
The SGRA are holding their late summer barbecue in the grounds of Hugh Herland. This enables the residents there and other senior citizens living in our area, as well as all residents and children, to become more involved in community activities. Tickets are only £1 per person, and this covers your barbecue lunch (meat or vegetarian burgers, sausages, salads and soft drinks) and you may bring your own alcoholic drinks if you wish.
This is a real family event and we hope that you will come along with your children and have a fun afternoon.
Local Resident to climb to Everest Base Camp to raise funds for Médecins Sans Frontières
| Posted 28th August 2007 |
In October of this year, local resident Sarah Kennedy will be trekking to the Basecamp of Mount Everest to raise money for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). This will comprise over 57 hours trekking, and will take her to an altitude of 5545m (16,901ft). MSF is an international humanitarian aid organisation that provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger. They provide vital medical attention whenever and wherever it is needed, which often means they work where no other medical aid agency will. MSF is funded solely by donations from the public to ensure their freedom to provide humanitarian assistance and to remain independent from political, religious and economic interests. To know more about what MSF does, check out:, and to sponsor Sarah and support this worthwhile charity, please go to
Youth Music Project in Kingston
| Posted 28th August 2007 |
Local resident, Rupert Cheek, is involved in a youth music project in Kingston. He was wondering if any visitors to the site would like to help? Please see for more details.
Pine bunk beds for sale
| Posted 2nd June 2007 |
Pine single bunk beds, 2 mattresses and ladder. Dismantled flat - easy to reassemble (really!) Good quality/condition and sturdy. Any reasonable offer accepted. Please contact Tony or Gill Hardy at 14 Grove Lane. Tel. 020 8549 7572 or 07802 381130.
Hogsmill Newsletter
| Posted 2nd June 2007 |
Click here to read the Hogsmill newsletter. Items include information on a public consultation about improvements to the Lower Marsh Lane Thames Water site, a report of a sighting of a terrapin near the Blue Bridge, details of clean-up days and a photography competition.
K+20 Kingston Town Centre Area Action Plan
| Posted 2nd June 2007 |
The SGRA have been sent a copy of Kingston's planning document for the period to 2020. We have until 6th July to submit any representation. Full details are on the RBK website If you would like to borrow the SGRA committee please email
IMPORTANT NEWS about Recycling
| Posted 2nd June 2007 |
Two members of the SGRA committee attended a meeting at the Kingston Recycling centre about recycling where we learned about what happens to the recycling once it leaves our doorsteps l>oking in particular at the issue of plastics. We will be organising a meeting at the Parish Hall later this year for a Councillor to explain some of the issues to residents. In the meantime PLEASE:
- Do not tie plastic bags containing recycling. They then have to be untied by employees at the recycling centre.
- Please only put bottles (drinks, shampoo, cleaning bottles) in the recycling. If the plastic recycling is contaminated by too much lower grade plastic (eg the plastic used in ready meal trays) the whole batch has to be dumped as landfill.
Hogsmill Newsletter
| Posted 2nd June 2007 |
Click here to read the Hogsmill newsletter. Items include information on a public consultation about improvements to the Lower Marsh Lane Thames Water site, a report of a sighting of a terrapin near the Blue Bridge, details of clean-up days and a photography competition.
Ham Gardens Open Day - Sunday 27th May 2pm to 5pm
| Posted 26th May 2007 |
There is a rare opportunity to visit some of the gardens around Ham Common on Sunday 27th May from 2 to 5pm. Tickets are £5 (children free if accompanied by an adult)and can be purchased from the tent on Ham Common Rd at the corner of Ham Street and Ham Common. Click here for the poster.
University Concert 26 May - St Johns Church, Beethoven's 9th Symphony
| Posted 26th May 2007 |
The university are holding a big concert at St. John’s today, 26 May and would love it if lots of local residents were able to attend. (Apologies from the webmaster for the late notice) Tickets are only £2 and will include a champagne reception. The university Symphony Orchestra and Chorus (with professional soloists and musicians) are performing Beethoven’s 9th Symphony.
The music department puts on quite a few events in St. John’s, and a number of lunchtime concerts are planned. Watch this space for further details (and more notice in future!)
Congratulations to Deputy Mayor Bart Ricketts
| Posted 26th May 2007 |
Congratulations to Grove Ward Councillor Bart Ricketts has been appointed Deputy Mayor of Kingston for 2007/8. Bart has always been very active in Council affairs and will do a great job as Deputy Mayor. You can read about his activities on his blog
May 2007 Springboard
| Posted 6th May 2007 |
Springboard is currently being delivered to every household in the area. Click here for the the web version of the May 2007 issue.
AGM Minutes
| Posted 6 May 2007 |
There were presentations at the AGM on 26 April by the community police team, the university and the Grove Ward councillors. The main issue raised in the Q&A sessions was disturbances at night especially by students. Click here for the minutes.
Jumble sale planned for 19 May postponed until the Autumn
| Posted 6th May 2007 |
More details nearer the time
The Amazing Technicolour Music and Film Quiz : Saturday 21st April 7.30pm, St John's Church
| Posted 9th April 2007 |
Back by popular demand the Amazing Technicolour Music and Film quiz will be on Saturday 21st April in St John’s Church. The doors and bar will open from 7.30pm and the quiz starts at 8pm. Tickets, which are £12.50 including food, are available from Bill Price (Tel: 8287-4548) or Pat Lines (8546-8181). Tables will be for 6 to 8 people so come as a team or make up one on the night.
Spring Grove Residents' Association AGM : Thursday 26th April, 8pm
| Posted 9th April 2007 |
The Annual General Meeting of the Spring Grove Residents' Association will be held in the Parish Hall. All local residents, longstanding or recently arrived in the area, are welcome to attend. There will be a number of guests including local politicians, a representative from the university and a member of the Grove Ward community police team.
To ensure that everyone gets an opportunity to be heard, anyone wishing to put a question to the speakers or to place an item on the agenda, should notify Chairman Alan Leeds (10 Grove Close – 8287 5135) in writing by Thursday 26 April. As a limited amount of time is available, questions tabled in advance will be given priority by the Chairman.
New Committee members sought
| Posted 9th April 2007 |
The following Committee Members have expressed their willingness to stand for re-election at the AGM:
Gordon Bell, Phil Chapman, Mike Harris, Alan Leeds (Chairman), Natascha Logan, Amy Rieseborough, Deborah Robinson, Karol Smal (Treasurer) and Jackie Steinitz (Secretary).
Patrick Rayner is stepping down from the committee. Many thanks to him for all the work he has done on behalf of our community in the past. Thank you also to Heather Forrester for all her help during the year.
Paul Hemmings (Portland Road) has offered to stand for election, and if any resident wishes to join the committee or help with community activities please contact Jackie Steinitz on 8541 4482. There are normally about six committee meetings (lasting about 1½ hours) during the year together with several social events, so it is not an onerous task. In particular, we would welcome representatives from Glenthorne & Balmoral Roads, Herbert and Horace Roads.
Request for family information about Alfred and Alice Hart
| Posted 30th March 2007 |
The SGRA has received an email from Clifford Hart from Wokingham who asks if anyone remembers his grandparents, Alfred & Alice Hart, who lived at 3 Bloomfield Rd between about 1916-1930. Clifford’s father, Victor Hart, was born there in 1918.
Alfred was a bandsman in the Lancashire Fusiliers and was gassed at Ypres in 1915. He had an association with Tommy Sopwith and the Sopwith factory. Alfred and Alice (click here for photo) may have run a shop off Clarence Road.
Clifford has read and enjoyed Isobel Robinson’s book on the Spring Grove area. He asked if anyone knows anything specific about his grandparents or has any contemporary photos which might be of interest. If so he would be most grateful if you would email him on
University Dance Performance 2007 - Saturday 31st March at 7.30pm, Cornerhouse Theatre, Douglas Rd Surbiton
| Posted 19th March 2007 |
Come and see a showcase of the wide variety of dance on offer at Kingston University.
You will experience everything from Belly Dancing, Capoeira and Latin to Street, Hip Hop and Contemporary.
Plus guest performances from local dance academies! Click here for full details
Children's Easter Drama Workshop
| Posted 5th March 2007 |
Pat Lines and Jo Need will be running a drama workshop for children during the Easter holidays. The sessions will take place on the each afternoon from Tuesday 10th to Friday 13th April inclusive in the Parish Hall with a performance on 14th April.The cost will be £5 per child per day. Please telephone either Pat (020-8546-8181)or Jo (020-8641-7761) by 31st March if you would like to take part.
Concert by Kingston Philharmonia - Kingston Parish Church, Saturday 17th March
| Posted 4th March 2007 |
Kingston Philharmonia are holding a concert at All Saints Church in the Market Place on Saturday 17th March at 7.30pm. The orchestra will play:
- Beethoven's 6th Symphony (the Pastoral)
- Finzi's clarinet concerto
- Richard Rodney Bennett's Reflections on a Sixteenth Century Tune
Tickets are £10 each, £8 for concessions and £1 for children and are available on the door or from Hands Music
Notes on the recent University Meeting for Local Residents
| Posted 16th February 2007 |
Further to the item below dated 6th February the University have now sent the minutes of the meeting held on 31st January for local residents. Click here to see the notes and click here to see the powerpoint slides.
Barn dance - THIS FRIDAY 16th February at 8pm, Parish Hall
| Posted 11th February 2007 |
Following previous years' successes, the SGRA are holding a Valentine's Barn Dance. Jackie and Dominic and the Plan B dance band will provide the music, and Liz and John will be calling.
This is an occasion where all the members of our community, families, the young and not so young can come together and enjoy themselves. A great evening out!!
Tickets are £6 for adults, £3 for children (16 or under) and include a delicious hot supper. Soft drinks and alcoholic drinks will be available at the licensed bar. Purchase your tickets beforehand from:
Gordon Bell -15 Grove Lane (8548 8540), Patrick Rayner – 11 Springfield Rd (8241 5680),
Karol Smal -9 Grove Lane (8549 8424) or McCluskey’s Off-Licence.
Latest Springboard
| Posted 11th February 2007 |
Springboard is being delivered to ever household in the area this weekend. Click here for the the web version of the February 2007 issue.
Application form for Spring Grove Fringe Production - The Three Musketeers - Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd March
| Posted 10th February 2007 |
The Spring Grove Fringe presents 'The Three Musketeers' on Friday 2nd March at 8.00pm and Saturday 3rd March at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. Based on the classic story by Alexandre Dumas, this SGF production offers swash and buckle, fun and an original musical score. Not a panto but hopefully a romp!
Tickets are £8 adult, £4 child or family ticket (2+2) at £20, from Pam Vaughan on 020 8549 0313 or click here for an application form for tickets and send the completed form to Box Office, 21a Grange Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2QU. See you there!
Message from Kingston University following the recent Residents' meeting
| Posted 6th February 2007 |
Kingston University appreciates that living near a university has its challenges as well as benefits. The University is committed to being a good neighbour and to providing a number of channels of communication with local residents. Thank you to those who came to our recent open meeting on 31 January. The next one will be held on Wednesday 16 May at 6.30pm in C-SCAIPE at Penrhyn Road, and we hold them termly. We are, in addition, always pleased to be invited to the Spring Grove Residents’ Association meetings.
We also publish a website for our neighbours to keep you up to date about the New University Project ( We also publish comprehensive contact details (which are available on the website and in our newsletter)so that if you want to get in touch you can reach the right person easily.
One of the things you told us recently is that people would like to be added to the mailing list for various University publications. These include Communicate (a periodic newsletter updating local people about the New University Project) and the termly Events Calendar (listing University events which residents are welcome to attend). Please do email or telephone Deirdre Ferrier on 020 8547 8133 if you would like to find out more.
Presentation given at recent University Meeting for Local Residents
| Posted 6th February 2007 |
We will be including a write-up of the University meeting shortly. For now click here to see the powerpoint presentations given by Professor David Miles,Pro-Vice Chancellor (External Affairs and Business Development)on localissues and by Nicola Corrigan, the Univesity's Sustainability Facilitator, on sustainability and green issues at the University.
Hogsmill Action Group- Two events. Clean-Up day 3 March, Interpretation Walk, 29 April
| Posted 4th February 2007 |
Hogsmill Action Group are organising a clean-up day on Saturday 3 March between Watersplash Cose and Villers road. Meet at Watersplash Close at 10.30am. Bags, gloves, litter pickers and other materials are all provided. HAG will also provide refreshments. On 29 April there will be an interpretation walk along the full length of the Hogsmill River accompanied by Toni Hogson, a local Medical Herablist and Richard Jolly, RBK Neighbourhood Servies Officer who is a qualified horticulturalist. The walk will last four hours stopping for a picnic lunch. Bring picnic and drink and meet at Charter Quay Bridge in Kingston at 10am.
Peddling Peace - Saturday 17th March, 7.30pm, Parish Hall
| Posted 29th January 2007 |
Peddling Peace' will be an evening of live music with Plan B and support, bar, Middle Eastern food, raffle and a belly dancing display on Saturday 17th March, 7.30pm at the Parish Hall. Tickets are £15 each. Please contact
Mimi Fagan 8549 2323 or Janie Churchyard 8390 3884.
This is a fundraising event for the 2007 'Follow the Women' bikeride across Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine.
FOLLOW THE WOMEN is an international organisation of ordinary women from many different countries who support the cause of peace and an end to violence in the Middle East. In a time when terror and cruelty are spreading around the globe, there has never been a greater need for the women of the world to work together for a more peaceful planet.
University Meeting for local residents - Wednesday 31st January, 6.30pm, Penrhyn Rd campus
| Posted 29th January 2007 |
The university are holding a meeting as "a chance for neighbours of the University to hear about its plans, meet senior staff, ask questions and discuss issues of mutual interest". It will be on Wednesday 31st January at 6.30pm in the Debating Chamber, C-SCAIPE on the Penrhyn Road campus. Click here for more details.
Public Police Meetings 2007
| Posted 29th January 2007 |
The Grove Ward Safer Neighbourhood Team plan to hold a public meeting every three months during the year. The meetings are a chance for residents to meet the police team and to raise any issues of concern.
The meetings will all be held in the Parish Hall on Grove Lane and will start at 7pm. The dates for the year are:
- Tuesday 6th March 2007
- Wednesday 27th June
- Wednesday 19th September
- Tuesday 11th December.
You may have read already on this site about the SNT - but for those who have not the information is copied below.
The Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) )for Grove Ward has been operating since April 2006 and now comprises five officers; Sgt Matthew Smith, PC Matthew Cefai, PC Sharon Bailey, PCSO Greg Ward and PCSO Dan Harris who are based at Kingston Police Station. The objective of the SNT is local policing; to work in conjunction with the community to identify and tackle issues of concern in the neighbourhood. The team want to hear about any areas of concern - be it for example anti-social behaviour, graffiti, noisy neighbourhoods, yobs, vandalism -so please contact them if you have any concerns either by:
More details are available on the Safer Neighbourhoods Team website Note that the SNT do not deal with emergency 999 calls - these are dealt with be the emergency response team.
Sad news about a tabby cat
| Posted 12th January 2007 |
We recieved an email from a resident to say that, sadly, a cat was found dead on the Grove Lane road. It was a full tabby male, with a pink reflective collar. The body was taken to the vets, Henderson Keywood in Claremont Road, tel: 8399 6666.
Other archived news
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