Most of our news can be found on our Facebook page, our Newsletter page and our twitter feed
If you wish to send any news please contact us.
The Coronation Street Party : May 2023
Thank you to everyone who braved the rain and came to support the community coronation party!
And thank you also to all the valiant organisers led by Emma Lloyd Williams, including St John's Church, St John's School, the Spring Grove pub, the Spring Grove Residents' Association and the residents of Beaufort & Lingfield Roads.
Given the rain we were particularly grateful to have two Plan Bs. Besides local band Plan B (of which more below) our Plan B for wet weather Plan B meant
that we stayed reasonably dry by sheltering in the Church, the pub and under gazebos.
The day started with the big screen in the Church for watching the Coronation and cakes
Then the music began with five fabulous acts organised by Tony Hardy. Big thanks to Banquet Records for the sound equipment and to Dave Meegan and Andrew Maxwell Morris
for sound mixing.

Then there were the competitions – including the dog show with prizes for the most royally dressed dog (winner: Luna) and the one with the cleverest trick (Arnie),
and the Great Spring Grove Bake Off

Visitors included the Mayor of Kingston Yogan Yoganathan, all the Kingston Town Councillors, Deputy Mayor Nicola Nardelli, Roger Hayes and John Sweeney,
the Hogsmill Community Garden and several finely crowned/beflagged residents.

And finally a huge thank you to the army of volunteers who helped plan, set up, run the events and pack up afterwards.

The Platinum Jubilee Street Party: June 2022
We had a truly wonderful community street party to celebrate the jubilee. Thank you to all for your support and for your generous donations to our two charities, @samaritans and @kingstonrefugee (Refugee Action Kingston), and to the Hogsmill Community Garden.
The music line-up was stupendous. Seven top notch acts organised by the amazing Tony Hardy with technical and equipment support by Banquet Records.
Congratulations to the winners of our competitions to “dress like a Queen” and guess the number of balloons in the beetle.
Thank you to St John’s Church Kingston, St John’s School and to the businesses who all provided such excellent support including the Spring Grove pub, Lallapolosa Bakery, McCluskeys Off Licence and to Simone Kay for great work face painting.
Thank you also to our special guests, the Mayor Kingston Yogan Yoganathan, the Deputy Mayor and Kingston Town Councillor Nicola Nardelli and our MP Ed Davey and the Queen!).
It was great also to see PCSO Simon Briggs from the Grove Ward SNT who dropped by on his busy tour of local street parties.
PLATINUM JUBILEE STREETY PARTY : SATURDAY 4 JUNE, 12 - 6pm Bloomfield Rd between the Spring Grove pub and St John's Church
Do come! Details of the party and fabulous music line-up (with 7 acts) below.
Eden Campus
You may have seen proposals to develop 'Eden Campus' – the huge area bounded by the Kingston College ‘aeroplane’ roundabout Brook Street, Eden Street and St James Street. The proposals include 3 towers, 150 homes and more shops.
The developers website is here:
An alternative website has been prepared by local residents with international architectural and legal experience (and supported by the Kingston upon Thames Society) showing the impact this will have on the Kingston skyline. They note that “the proposals are for a tower almost as high as Tolworth Tower, with a second building almost matching the height of the new tower at Royal Exchange. All of these contravene clear planning guidelines. Together this cluster of tall buildings would overshadow important listed buildings, blight protected historic views and importantly cause significant harm to short range views and the related public realm by overbearing and dominating the surrounding streets and houses”.
The developer asked for comments by 24 August before they submit their proposals. We now have to await the next stage.
Some of the concerns that have been expressed by local residents include:
- Three towers (one 72m other two over 30m) would be built in an area where none should be allowed according to local, London and National planning guides.
- The proposals do not accord with Kingston’s Core Planning Strategy (Apr 2012). RBK and its aim to 'maintain and improve the character, design, and heritage of the area’ by ‘protecting and enhancing the features that contribute positively to the character and identity of Kingston Town.'
- The scheme is described as 'complementary' to important heritage assets but they and the Conservation areas and surrounding developments would be dwarfed by the buildings shown in these proposals.
- The proposals for 'public space' around the Hogsmill are at the worst part of the site. Not only would the space around any building of 22 storeys be windswept and unpleasant, its also right next to one of the busiest traffic islands in Kingston. The notion that this would be a lovely place to sit is just unrealistic – it would be windy, noisy and polluted.
- Key views in Kingston of and from heritage assets, as well as the Kingston Skyline from Home Park would be ruined for generations to come. We can see that a 22 storey building will cause significant harm to the setting of important heritage assets notably in the Ancient Market Place.
- The Proposals do not create the meaningful public open space at Eden Square which was clearly envisaged in the approved Kingston development plan.
- The relatively small space between the buildings is a just a canyon/passageway, permanently in shade – most unpleasant and hardly an 'oasis' as they claim.
- Calling the development “Eden Campus” creates a number of misleading impressions, Campus is 'the grounds and buildings of a university or college.' - this proposal is neither. And finally it gives the impression that the architecture reflects the needs of modern offices and residents – which it does not.
- While there is a need for affordable homes the bult of the 22 storey tower which would have views over the Thames and Hampton Court are likely to be expensive and potentially bought by overseas investors.
St. John's Christmas Spectacular - 30th November
Spring Grove Acoustic - 9th November 2019, Parish Hall
Kingston Community Refugee Sponsorship Quiz - 19th October 2019, All Saints Church
Minutes from the 2019 AGM
Minutes from the AGM can be found here.
Reminder: 2018 AGM this WEDNESDAY 23 May at 8pm, Parish Hall, Grove Lane
All residents of the area are most welcome at the Annual General Meeting of the Spring Grove Residents’ Association.
Speakers will include Ed Davey, MP, PC Stilliard and PC Cefai from the Grove Ward Safer Neighbourhood Police team, Grove Ward Councillor Fiona Boult,
Aranee Manoharan, Student Community Engagement Advisor, Kingston University and Rev'd Vicky Maunder, Vicar of St John’s Church.
They will provide updates and answer your questions on matters concerning our area.
Notice of Proposed changes to the SGRA constitution for discussion at the 2018 AGM
At a recent committee meeting it was noted that the constitution of the SGRA, which was drawn up in 1977 and last amended in 2002
could benefit from updating in certain respects. The proposed changes are listed
here. These will be discussed at the AGM and will require
a two thirds majority to be approved. A copy of the full constitution can be found on the SGRA website
on the About page.
St John’s Church Book Fairs and Church Cafés - Saturdays 12th May, 9th June and 14th July from 10.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. - St John’s Church
All welcome to browse the large selection of books and enjoy hot drinks and delicious cakes.
Spring Grove Fringe presents The Ghost Train – Fri May 18th & Sat May 19th, both 8.00 p.m. – Parish Hall, Grove Lane
At last – the moment that you have all been waiting for – tickets are now on sale for the Spring Grove Fringe’s latest production. The Ghost Train – Arnold Ridley’s classic tale, written in 1923 and a sell out on the West End stage, is being presented by your favourite actors at the Spring Grove Fringe. Performances on both days start at 8.00 p.m. (Please note later time than usual on Saturday to accommodate wedding and football fever!) There will be supper and a licenced bar as usual. Get your tickets from either and search Spring Grove Fringe or follow the links: Friday – Saturday –
Spring Grove Residents’ Association Annual General Meeting - Weds 23rd May, 8pm – Parish Hall, Grove Lane
All residents of the area are most welcome at the Annual General Meeting of the Spring Grove Residents’ Association. Speakers will include representatives from the Grove Ward Safer Neighbourhood Police team, the University and St John’s Church. They will provide updates and answer your questions on matters concerning our area. We will also be inviting the Grove Ward Councillors and Ed Davey MP to speak. If you would like to stand for the committee or if you wish to submit any questions in advance please contact Alan Leeds or Jackie Steinitz on .
The Book of Thel Opera in St John’s Church – Fri 29th and Sat 30th June, St John’s Church
Written by William Blake, Music by Rolando Macrini, Conducted by Claudio Scarabottini We are hosting the London premiere of a new opera based on William Blake's poem 'The Book of Thel'. The concert will include a diverse cast of singers and musicians as well as puppetry and projections and is a co-production between Three Bridges Theatre and Teatro Elio Centrico. A book has been published by Black Earth Books about the opera, titled: 'The Book of Thel: Opera and Graphic Novel' and is available through Amazon. For updated information, tickets and to watch videos from the production in Spoleto, Italy visit: or email:
Spring Grove Acoustic - Parish Hall, Grove Lane
The show on 28th April was a great success, a full house enjoyed performances by Frances Leone, Johnny Barker, Sunny Robertson and Jerry Williams (find them all on YouTube), and raised over £450 for local charity Yorda Adventures. Look out for details of our next show, likely to be in early July. Contact Tony (, 07802 381130) to be added to mailing list.
Events in December 2018
- Christmas Tree Sale on Saturday 9th December 11.30am – 2pm: in the car park of St John’s School, Portland Road, KT1 2SG. Non-drop Nordman Fir Trees. £40 to £60. Sale organised by St John’s PSA and the school receives 25% profit of all trees sold.
- Christmas Community ChoirThe Spring Grove and St John's Community choir - absolutely everyone is welcome to join this almost scratch choir, to sing carols at the Candlelight Carol service on Sunday December 17th at 6pm. 3 short choir practices will be held on Monday November 27th at 8pm, Sunday December 3rd at 11.30am and Monday December 11th at 8pm, all in the church.... Just turn up, or for more info contact Mimi:
Christmas Services at St John’s Church, Grove Lane.
- Christingle Family Service in support of the Children’s Society – Sunday 3rd December at 10am:Everyone will be making Christingles during the service as we start the countdown to Christmas. All welcome. If you are a Children’s Society box holder please bring your box to be emptied after the service.
- Candlelight Carol Service – Sunday 17th December at 6pm: All welcome at this lovely community carol service of the Christmas readings and your favourite carols followed by mulled wine and mince pies.
- Crib Service – 24th December at 4pm: A service celebrating the nativity story for all ages. Children are invited to come dressed up as angels, shepherds or kings.
- Midnight Mass – 24th December: at 11.30pm
- Christmas Day Family Communion: at 10am.
Everyone is welcome! St John’s is a member of Inclusive Church.
Some events in early 2018
- Spring Grove Fringe Panto: Friday February 2 at 8.00pm and Saturday February 3 at 2.30 and 7.30 pm.
WORLD PREMIERE: ***ZORRO THE PANTO*** The Spring Grove Fringe is proud to present the zippily zany ZORRO. Written especially for the SGF, starring all your favourites, put the dates in your diary. Tickets will be on sale from from 1 January or contact £8.00 per adult, £4.00 per child, £20 per family ticket (2 adults + 2 children). NOT TO BE MISSED.
- Bill’s Quiz 2018: The Legendary Multi-media Film and Music Quiz. This highly popular and glorious cornucopia of conundrums will be held on Saturday March 10th in St John's Church. Get your team ready, tickets on sale in February.
- Spring Barn Dance:Our annual Barn Dance, in the Parish Hall, Grove Lane. A fun occasion when all members of our community can come together for a great evening out. Likely to be late Feb/early-March - date, time, info etc. closer to the time.
- SGRA AGM – April 2018: The Annual General Meeting of the Spring Grove Residents’ Association, in the Parish Hall,
Grove Lane, with a number of invited local guests / speakers and election of Committee. Date, time to be advised.
Other local news : December 2017
- St John’s Church Regeneration: Thanks to everyone who is supporting our Regeneration project at the church. This is to upgrade the building so that it will be a great space for community events as well as for services. In phase 1 over £200,000 has been raised with the aim of replacing the electrics and failing heating and lighting around summer 2018. We are also applying for grants to pay for improved access to the building and fully accessible toilets.
- New Bakery - Lallapolosa: There is a new bakery just opened on Bloomfield Road (where the florist was previously). It is a bakery selling cakes, bread, pastries and hot drinks. Opening hours Tuesday to Friday 9am to 4pm and Saturdays 9am to 1pm.
- The Chip Club: New name and under new management! Our favourite local fish and chip shop on the corner of Villiers and Alfred has changed hands recently, still serving the best fish and chips in Kingston!
- Spring Grove Acoustic: we have relaunched in 2017 and have been lucky to have some tremendous musicians playing for us, raising money for a variety of charities (in 2017: ERCI (refugee rescue and support in Greece), Love Kingston and ActionAid for Rohingya). To be added to the mailing list call Phil on 07749 663809
Keep the Home Fires Burning - Saturday 11th November at St John's Church
 Click on the poster for more details.
St John’s Church Christmas Bazaar – Saturday 25th November 2017 - 12.00pm – 4.00pm
You know Christmas is just around the corner when the St John’s Church Christmas Bazaar is firmly on the horizon. This year this spectacular community event is on Saturday 25th November between 12pm and 4pm with an entrance fee of £1 for adults and children get in Free. The bazaar promises to offer the best of festive delights…mulled wine and mince pies, nourishing hot meals, snacks and drinks, the famous silent auction, gifts, crafts and jewellery stalls, delicious homemade cakes, games and activities for the children. Father Christmas himself will also be taking up residence in his grotto for the day with a sack full of goodies for the little ones. It promises to be a great day out for the whole family that will kick-start the festive season and provide a fun chance to get organised and start some early Christmas shopping too! We look forward to seeing you there! Ho ho ho!
Minutes from the 2017 AGM
Minutes from the AGM can be found here.
Spring Barn Dance : Saturday 25 March, doors open 7.30pm in the Parish Hall
Welcome in the Spring at our annual Barn Dance, with local band, 64 Bars, and Liz Scholey doing the calling.
This is an occasion where all the members of our community, families, and the young and not so young can come together
and enjoy themselves. A great evening out!!
Tickets are £8 for adults, £4 for children (16 or under), £20 for family (2 adults + 2 children), and include a delicious hot supper and salads. Soft
drinks and alcoholic drinks will be available at the licensed bar. Please
purchase your tickets in advance from:
or from one of the contacts on the poster.
AGM in the Parish Hall, Grove Lane on Thursday 27th April at 8pm
The Annual General Meeting of the Spring Grove Residents' Association will be held in the Parish Hall, Grove Lane on Thursday 27th
April. All residents, longstanding or recently arrived in the area, are welcome to attend. We have invited a number of guests
including our local MP, James Berry, the Grove Ward Councillors, the Grove Ward Safer Neighbourhood Police team and Kingston University
who will provide updates and answer questions on matters concerning our area.
More details will follow closer to the time - but please mark the date in your diary.
More dates for your diary in April and May 2017
Here are some dates to mark in your diary. There is more information about each in the latest
Springboard newsletter.
- Saturday 1st April: Singing it Back, Spring Concert, St John's Church
- Saturday 29th April: Spring Grove Acoustic night with 3 great acoustic acts, Parish Hall
- Saturday 13th May: Bloomfields 2017 Street Party
- Friday 19 and Saturday 20 May: Spring Grove Fringe production, The Clothes Show, Parish Hall
- Saturday 8th April and Saturday 6th May: Bookfairs at St John's Church
- Mondays 3rd April and 8th May: First Monday club
Hattie Briggs + Andrew Maxwell Morris + Days are Done, Parish Hall, Saturday 18th February, 8pm
Please come and enjoy a great evening of some of the best contemporary acoustic music around. It’s happening
at your homely Parish Hall on Saturday 18 February at 8pm and it’s in aid of a really deserving cause - – the only on-the-ground service helping refugees in Greek waters now.
Headlining is Hattie Briggs a rising star of the UK folk scene whose acclaimed 2nd album Young Runaway, reviewed here,
led to a nomination for Best Album of 2016 by Laurel Canyon Music while Fatea Magazine shortlisted her
for Best Female Artist of 2016. Check out Hattie’s crystalline vocals and emotive songwriting on this sample here.
Making a welcome return to the Parish Hall is local singer-songwriter and Glastonbury veteran, Andrew Maxwell Morris,
who is also a big favourite in Russia following his song “Dust” being adopted as the theme song for a national TV series
over there (Youtube plays now over 18 million!) Pozdravleniya!
Kingston based indie-folk duo Days are Done comprising singer/songwriter Emmy-Lou Kay and BAFTA winning TV/ film composer Adam Lewis complete the line up. Since forming in 2016 they've played over 150 gigs, toured with St Paul and The Broken Bones and opened for Michael Kiwanuka. Following the release of 2 live EPs, their debut studio single “Turns To Dust” was released in August and had support from BBC Radio 2, BBC Wales, BBC London, BBC Surrey & South among others. They're currently working on their 1st studio EP.
Tickets cost £8 and there will be a licensed bar. Doors 8.00, first act from 8.15 so don’t be late!
To book tickets email
or phone Tony (07802 381130) or Phil (07749 663809) – we hope to sell out soon so don’t tarry!
St. John's Church Christmas Bazaar - Saturday 3rd December 12pm to 4pm
Everyone is welcome to the bazaar which promises to offer the best of festive delights…mulled wine and mince pies, nourishing hot meals, the famous silent auction, gifts, crafts, delicious homemade cakes, games and activities for the children. Father Christmas himself will also be taking up residence in his grotto with a sack full of goodies for the little ones.
It promises to be a great day out for the whole family that will kick-start the festive season. Ho ho ho!
St Johns Church, Grove Lane, KT1 2SU. Click on the poster for more detail
Please help with a Heritage Lottery Fund Application!
St John's Church, supported by the SGRA and other community groups, is applying to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a grant
to encourage interest in the heritage of our area, and to fund necessary repairs and improvements to the church that will
make it a well-equipped, vibrant community hub alongside the hall. The application is focused on the Victorian history
of the Spring Grove and Mill Street estates and later developments throughout the parish. We’d be very grateful if
you could take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire. Your comments are really important
and will help develop ideas for the application.
Thank you for your help.
Happy Harvest Community lunch with Teddy Tower Parachute Drop
 Click on the poster for more details about the Happy Harvest
Community lunch. It is on Sunday 2nd October 11.30am until 2pm in Church.
It includes:
- delicious autumn soups, plum cocktails, craft beer.
- A Teddy Bears Picnic
- Lots of teddy themed activities for children.
Why not enter the Great Harvest Loaf Bake Off competition – bring your creation along on the day for judging.
Or take part in the Teddy Tower Parachute Jump
£5 entry, buy your Ted from McCluskey’s off licence, after church on Sundays or if you have a child at the school from the school office. Create your own parachute for your Ted, watch him/her launched from the church tower on the 2nd October at the community lunch and the Ted with the longest descent time wins the prize.
Find out more on Facebook
Friends of the Hogsmill Newsletter
Click on the picture to see the newsletter published earlier this summer by the Friends of the Hogsmill STW Nature Reserve
Residents welcome to Kingston University Big Read events: 5 Sept, 28 Sept, 24 Oct
Kingston University has invited local residents to the following events in connection with the Univeristy's Big Read
in which each new student has been sent the book The Humans by Matt Haig.
Monday 5th September
What Makes Us Human? Discussing The Humans by Matt Haig with Alison Baverstock, Director of The KU Big Read
7pm - 9pm
Surbiton Library (just turn up if interested)
Wednesday 28th September
The KU Big Read - An Audience with Matt Haig
4.15pm - 6.15pm
Clattern Theatre, Penrhyn Road
This will be followed by Matt visiting and talking at The Joel Project in Kingston, a charity that supports people experiencing homelessness.
Monday 24th October
The KU Big Read - Balloon Debate
6pm - 8pm
Clattern Theatre, Penrhyn Road
Minutes from the 2016 AGM
Minutes from the AGM can be found here.
Date for your diary : Kingston Philharmonia - Rhapsodic Romanticism concert at All Saints Church, Saturday 5th November 7.30pm
The Kingston Philharmonia will be playing a programme of Rhapsodic music from the Romantic era on 5 November in All Saints Church, Kingston.
The programme will include Sullivan's Shakespeare's Tempest, Mendelssohn's Reformation Symphony No 5, Martinu's Rhapsody Concerto for Viola and Orchestra,
and Sibelius' Symphony No 7. The Viola soloist will be Katya Lazareva.
Spring Barn Dance : Friday 15 April at 8pm in the Parish Hall
Drive away the winter by welcoming the Spring at our annual barn dance. There will be live music with 64 Bars,
our local celididh band. Liz and John Scholey will be doing the calling.
This is an occasion where all the members of our community, families, and the young and not so young can come together
and enjoy themselves. A great evening out!!
Book Fair and Soup for Syria event - Saturday 19 March - St John's Church, 10 - 2.30pm
Please come to the book fair on 19th March. As well as selling books the Church will also be serving lunches to raise money
for Hand in Hand for Syria and collecting some essential aid items: nappies, sanitary pads,
new hats, gloves, scarves, boots and premature baby clothes, plus used crutches and walking sticks.
Full details on this poster.
Kingston Philharmonia concert - The Power of the Horn - St John's Church, Saturday 12th March 7.30pm
Great concert this Saturday at 7.30pm with a chance to hear a full symphpony orchestra - the Kingston Philharmonia -
playing a programme of music featuring the power of the French horn. The programme will include Beethoven's
sublime and trimphant 5th symphony, Mozart's 4th horn concerto and Stravinsky's Symphony in 3 Movements.
Book Fairs : Saturdays 19 March, 16 April and 21 May 10.30-2.30pm in St John’s Church
The popular Book Fairs are back again this year. Come along and browse the books and enjoy delicious
refreshments. On 19 March all money raised from the café, serving a delicious soup lunch, will be for
the Hand in Hand for Syria Appeal. The Big Book Fair Brunch on 16 April will be in aid of the
Church Regeneration Fund, and the refreshments on 21 May will be for Christian Aid.
Easter Week services at St John's and Kingston Methodist Church, Sunday 20 to Sunday 27 March
- Palm Sunday: Holy Communion will be at 9am in St John’s. The main service will be a joint service with
Kingston Methodist Church starting at 10.15am in the Church on the Fairfield followed by a procession
to St John’s where the second half of the service will be take place - all are welcome.
- Maundy Thursday service at 7pm, with supper and footwashing, will be at the Fairfield Church.
- Good Friday in St John’s at 1pm-3pm - a Children’s Workshop with Easter activities and crafts.
All children welcome (accompanied by an adult). At 3pm - All Age Good Friday Service.
- Easter Sunday at 10am - Easter Communion with Easter Ceremonies and Egg hunt for the children at St John’s.
Spring Barn Dance : Friday 15 April at 8pm in the Parish Hall
Drive away the winter by welcoming the Spring at our annual barn dance. There will be live music with 64 Bars,
our local celididh band. Liz and John Scholey will be doing the calling.
This is an occasion where all the members of our community, families, and the young and not so young can come together
and enjoy themselves. A great evening out!!
Tickets are £8 for adults, £4 for children (16 or under), £20 for family (2 adults + 2 children), and include a delicious hot supper and salads. Soft
drinks and alcoholic drinks will be available at the licensed bar. Please
purchase your tickets beforehand from: or from one of the contacts on the poster.
SGF production: A Night at the Musicals Friday 20 May at 8pm and Saturday 21 May at 7.30pm, Parish Hall
Spring Grove Fringe presents another of its brilliant productions – A Night at the Musicals.
his will be a supper evening with songs from great musicals. More details will be in the next Springboard.
Bookings on
AGM in the Parish Hall, Grove Lane on Wednesday 25th May at 8pm
The Annual General Meeting of the Spring Grove Residents' Association will be held in the Parish Hall.
All residents, longstanding or recently arrived in the area, are welcome to attend.
More details will follow in the next Springboard.
Kingston Philharmonia - Giants of Romanticism concert at All Saints Church, Saturday 21st November 7.30pm
Come and join Kingston Philharmonia on Saturday 21 November when the orchestra will be particularly delighted to welcome as special guest the award-winning soprano Katherine Broderick, who will join them to sing Wagner’s Wesendonck lieder.
Under the baton of musical director Scott Wilson, the orchestra will also be performing Dvorak’s Symphonic Variations and Brahms’ Third Symphony.
St John’s Church Christmas Bazaar – Saturday 21st November 12.00pm – 4.00pm
You know Christmas is just around the corner when the St John’s Church Christmas Bazaar is firmly on the horizon.
This year this spectacular Christmas community event is on Saturday 21st November between 12pm and 4pm with an
entrance fee of £1 per adult and children go free. The bazaar promises to offer the best of festive
delights…mulled wine and mince pies, nourishing hot meals, snacks and drinks, the famous silent auction,
gift tombola, craft and jewellery stalls, delicious homemade cakes, games and activities for the children,
raffle, quality second hand books, CDs, DVDs and toys, and lots, lots more.
Father Christmas himself will also be taking up residence in his grotto for the day with a sack full of goodies for the little ones. It promises to be a great day out for the whole family that will kick-start the festive season and provide a fun chance to get organised and start some early Christmas shopping too! We look forward to seeing you there! Ho ho ho!
Next Spring Grove Fringe performance - Friday 27 and Saturday 28 November
Hold the dates in your diary for the next SGF performance - a Restoration comedy The Beaux' Stratatgem - Marry if you must!.
Details to follow.
Planning updates
See the planning applications page for updates (dated October 22nd) on some of the major local planning
applications. Note in particular the exhibition for Fri 23rd and Sat 24th Oct of the proposals for Eden Walk and the TOPO decision date - 5th November.
Kingston University : Planning application for New Town House building(15/12549)
Kingston University applied to redevelop the Town House building on Penrhyn Road. Here is their description:
The University is planning to replace the existing Town House building on our Penrhyn Road campus with a new £55million landmark building which will:
transform the learning experience; and bring together the University and the local community.
Proposed facilities include a learning resources centre, an auditorium, two cafes and a welcoming and attractive new landscaping scheme across the front of the campus.
In January 2014, we commissioned Grafton Architects through a Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) competition to design the scheme.
It presenteded its plans to the SGRA AGM in 2014 to a very positive reception. Residents said they liked:
- the potential community uses of the facilities, such as the new learning resources centre, the auditorium, and the café
- attending (and holding their own!) events in the new spaces.
- the landscaping on the approach to the University and to Kingston
- the look and feel of Penrhyn Road
- the widening of the pavement especially by the bus stop
The initial application was rejected by the Council on the grounds of scale and massing. A new application has
therefore been submitted. This has (i) made the structure thinner at the upper level to lighten its appearance (ii) eeduced the width of the colonnade from 3.75m to 3m (still providing approximately 10 metres between the proposed building edge and the existing pavement at Penrhyn Road)
(iii)set the building back a further metre from Penrhyn Road and (iv)removed the bridge link at the upper level, adjacent to Grove Crescent.
Images for the new application can be seen on this link. The univeristy is happy to walk through the plans with anyone who might find it helpful.
f you want to comment the email address is: with a subject of 15/12549 Kingston University New Town House.
Planning Applications
There are many planning applications at present which may be of importance to local residents. We have therefore
set up a special planning applications page to try to provide links, and possibly some key information about these.
Of course we are trying hard to provide the correct info however please always check all information/dates etc. with the Council website or the original source
against the original source as we are just volunteers and cannot reliably keep up to date with it all. If you have any information/corrections/updates for this page please send it here, preferably in a
format that can easily be copied and pasted. Thank you
Note that to find any application on the Council website go to
RBK planning database page and search using the planning application number.
You can also search for applications within 250 metres of your postcode on this In my area page.
The applications currently on the new page are:
- The old post office site (application number 14/13247)
- The Dairy Crest site (15/16246/FUL)
- Antoinette Hotel, Beaufort and Fassett Roads (15/12107/FUL)
- Student accomodation on Penryhn Road(14/12492)
- Eden Walk Regeneration - Public Consultation
- Eden Quarter development brief
- Kingston University New Town House (15/12549)
Minutes from the 2015 AGM
Minutes from the AGM can be found here.
AGM in the Parish Hall, Grove Lane on Monday 20th April at 8pm
The Annual General Meeting of the Spring Grove Residents' Association will be held in the Parish Hall.
All residents, longstanding or recently arrived in the area, are welcome to attend.
There will be a guest speaker and also Councillor Chrissie Hitchcock and representatives
from the University to answer your questions on matters concerning our area.
Crochet workshops by local Resident
I live in Balmoral Road and run Crochet Workshops.
I learnt to crochet (and knit) from my mother when I was 10 and I haven’t stopped since!
In the 70’s I made and wore crochet outfits and in the 80’s I taught crochet at Milford Adult Education evening classes.
In the 90’s, when crochet was not so popular, I turned to Patchwork & Quilting.
Crochet is back so I have been teaching again for the last 5 years.....................
Charity Quiz for Asthma UK in the Parish Hall, Friday 24 April at 7pm
Join in a fun evening with prizes to be won (including booby prizes) and an auction to bid for.
Tickets are £7.50 including a complimentary drink and nibbles. Food and drink are available throughout
the evening. Get some friends together and come as a team of 10, or just come along and join others
to make up a team on the night. For more information contact Camilla at
or on 07778 485 990.
Spring Grove Fringe presents Cabaret, Parish Hall, Friday 15 May at 8pm, Saturday 16 May at 7.30pm
Spring Grove Fringe presents another of its brilliant productions - a musical extravaganza of songs and music from
the wonderful musical ‘Cabaret’. This will be a supper evening with a licensed bar – and tickets are £20
to include a delicious meal and can be obtained by booking on
Bloomfields Village Fete and Street Party, Saturday 16 May, St John's CHurch and grounds 12 noon to 5.30pm
A great day is lined up with loads of fun for everyone - with live music on the stage, Morris dancing and dance displays throughout the afternoon.
There will be Cream Teas, a Punch and Judy show, Kingstonian ice cream and more! You can enter the Hanging Basket Competition or the Great BloomField Bake Off (entries to be in by 12 noon) or get creative for the Hats and Dogs (collar!) Parade (at 2.15pm) to be judged by Dame Jacqueline Wilson. Kingston Kindergarten will have lots of fun activities for the little ones and food and drink will be served throughout the day at the BBQ and Bars. Absolutely everyone is welcome to get involved, if you'd like to help, contact Jennifer or keep in touch via Facebook BloomFields2015 and #Bloomfields. For more details and information on how to enter the competitions look out for posters or contact Jennifer.
Posters for the competitions can be found here:
£200 raised at the SGRA ‘Spring into Spring Barn Dance’
The barn dance on 20 March was a great success with young and older revelers enjoying the dancing and the delicious food. Almost £200 was raised for SGRA funds and many thanks to the band, caller, all who prepared the food and helped on the night.
What to do if you want to comment on the Proposals for the Old Post Office development or sign the petition.
For full details see our webpage. Links to the Grove Ward councillors are here:
Chrissie Hitchcock: |
Phil Doyle: |
Stephen Brister: |
and here is a letter with information from Kingston Residents' Alliance
Dear Neighbour,
As you may know, the Kingston Residents Alliance is a non-partisan group of Kingston residents against the proposed developments of Kingston Town Centre. We believe the current scale of expansion is against the interests of local residents. Our main demand is to stop Planners and Developers from going ahead with major planning applications and decisions without taking real notice of Kingston residents’ needs. We also feel residents’ interests are not represented fairly by the Council.
You probably also know that we have a website, facebook group and twitter account. All these have been initiated by concerned residents in their own time. We also have an online petition, which questions some of the planning decisions and development plans of business in and around Kingston Town Centre. That petition has so far gathered 545 signatures and does not include paper petitions we have already handed it in to the Council earlier in the year.
Unfortunately none of the above is enough. If we want to get more attention and therefore taken more seriously, we need to spread our plea to everyone who may share the same concerns as us.
So here is what we can all do:
- Let our wider circle of friends and neighbours know about the KRA’s activities by pointing them to our social media links:, twitter: @kingstonSkyline,
facebook groups/Kingstonresidents.
- Remind everyone that our online petition is still active and our current target is 2,000 signatures
or access it from the KRA website
- Let the Council know about our concerns by sending direct e-mails and tweets to the Leader of Kingston Council:
Kevin Davis: @kevinjdavis
- And please turn up to our next event, the KingstonSwarm next Saturday 7th March at 11.11am. We know the Kingston Society, Save the Fairfield, and the author Jacqueline Wilson will be there to support us. So if you have local or London-wide press contacts, this is an event worth mentioning to them. Feel free to print and display the attached posters or copy and forward to your choice of friends/social media as you wish. The more the merrier!
On a final note, we are not an organized committee and everything done so far is based on individual residents’ availability. Everyone chips in to an area they feel they can make a contribution to and we have no plan to change this. It is a very post-modern, distributed model of leadership! All we ask is that everyone does what they feel they can to stop further destruction by the Council of what is left of our historic town centre.
Planning Application for the Redevelopment of Antoinette Hotel, Beaufort Road/Fassett Road
Here's the link to the planning application
planning application.
Meeting of Kingston Residents' Alliance, Thursday 19th Feb 8.30pm, Scout Hall, South Lane
There will be a meeting of the Kingston Residents Alliance on Thursday 19th February at the Scout Hall in South
Lane to discuss the proposal by St. George to develop the Old Post Office quarter. The proposal includes building a 21
storey high rise building. See the webpage for more information about the Kingston
Residents' Alliance
Proposed Old Post Office Development and Possible Changes to the Fairfield
Please see the webpage for our information on this topic.
Letter from the Biodiversity and Landscape Coordinator, Kingston Univeristy
Dear neighbours,
A number of you have been involved in the volunteering events we have been running in partnership with the South East Rivers Trust (SERT) to transform our local river environment at the Hogmill. We are now able to offer a unique opportunity to students, staff and local residents to receive free training in river monitoring techniques. The session will take place on Wednesday 18 February 20215 between 1pm and 4pm in room KPTK 4010.
By joining the Hogsmill Pollution Patrol project, after your training, we’ll ask you to make regular short checks on the Hogsmill and report your findings. If you pass the Knights Park campus on your way to work, this could provide the ideal time to stop off and do a quick check.
Your findings will help organisations like the Environment Agency identify any problems and make changes. The scheme was piloted successfully on the River Wandle and we hope that in two years’ time there will be similar benefits for the Hogsmill.
Places on the training course are limited so if you are interested please email as soon as possible to reserve your place. If you miss out on a place this time around, we’ll forward your details to SERT who will keep you informed of future training sessions.
Sivi Sivanesan Biodiversity and Landscape Coordinator
Proposed Redevelopment of Antoinette Hotel, Beaufort Road/Fassett Road
The Hotel Antoinette is currently looking at the potential for a
residential conversion and redevlopment on their site between Beaufort Road and Fassett Road. The hotel has engaged Indigo Planning to draft some
proposals and at this stage the proposals include a range of one, two, three, four and five bedroom houses and flats with on-site car parking mostly in an underground car park accessed from Beaufort Road.
a public exhibition was held in November in the Parish Hall and at St John's School. Contact details for Indigo Planning can be
found on their website A pdf copy of the one page leaflet shown in the picture
can be found by clicking here.
Eden Quarter Development Brief
Kingston Council have published a development brief for vast Eden Quarter of Kingston (see map) which outlines a vision for the area
that combines "high quality retail,leisure and commercial uses with active public space and residential living".
After consultation, if the development brief is adopted, it will become a Supplementary Planning Document
and will be taken into account when looking at future planning applications. For more information see
this webpage or read
this pdf file.
O What a Lovely War, Parish Hall, Grove Lane, Friday 28th (8pm) and Saturday 29th November (7.30pm)
See the Great War presented in songs, battles and a few jokes. This production was devised by Joan Littlewood and The Theatre Workshop and first performed in The Theatre Royal Stratford (that is East London not West Midlands) in 1963.
Starting in the Summer of 1914 and culminating on November 11 1918 the War is performed by a seaside pierrot troupe. largely delivered in songs of the period and contemporary documents. The play gives the views of the ordinary man in the trenches as well as the big brass at HQ and those on the Home Front. Surprisingly in view of the subject matter there is a lot of humour and laughter along the way. It is also very moving.
Tickets are £17.50, including supper (please say if you require vegetarian) and there will be a licensed bar.
For tickets contact the box office (advance booking necessary) on 07905 468 589 or
Barn Dance in aid of Yorda Adventures : NEW VENUE Dysart School, Friday 21st November
Yorda Adventures (a great Kingston charity for children with disabilities )
is holding a fund raising Barn Dance at Dysart School, 190 Ewell Road, Surbiton, KT6 6HL on Friday 21st November.
There will be live music from a local band and great callers to tell you what to do! More details on the poster.
For tickets contact Laura at Yorda Adventures - 07939 844978 or
University Carol Service, St. John's, 10th December 5.30pm
You are warmly invited to attend the University Carol service, which will take place in St John's Church, Grove Lane (near to the Penrhyn Road campus) at 5.30pm on Wednesday 10th December.
The service will provide an opportunity for students, staff and the local community to gather together in the beautiful candlelit space of our local church. Through readings and well-known carols, we shall revisit once again the joyful story of Christmas and be able to appreciate the musical contributions of the University's choirs and musical ensemble. The occasion will create time for us to be still for a short while, to pray for the needs of the world and to thank God for his love and mercy.
Everyone is welcome to the service and to enjoy seasonal refreshments afterwards.
St. John's Christmas Bazaar: 22nd November 12 - 4pm
Please join us for a family fun filled afternoon, we have a fantastic variety of new stalls this year and delicious hot food on offer.
- STAY FOR LUNCH – Crepes with delicious toppings , Hot chilli, Homemade cakes , Hot chocolate & marshmallows.
- VISIT FATHER CHRISTMAS – Santa will be with us all afternoon, Children will receive a gift during their visit.
- BOOK A BEAUTY TREATMENT – relax and unwind while the kids enjoy Magical Christmas story-time.
- GET CREATIVE – design your personalised Christmas baubles they will look great on your tree at home
- SIT BACK AND ENJOY – a Mulled Wine & Mince Pie while listening St John’s Children's Choir
- 12pm – Magical Christmas story time ((These 30 min slots are very popular so be sure to sign –up)
- TBA – Guest appearance from Basil Brush – BOOM! BOOM!
- 2.30pm – Christmas Carols by St Johns School Choir
- 3.30pm – Silent Auction get your bids in
- 3.45pm – Raffle, fantastic prizes to be won
Spring Grove Acoustic - Parish Hall, Grove Lane, Saturday 1st November
Spring Grove Acoustic back again, taking part in this year's national Oxjam music festival, raising money for Oxfam.
Only £5 entry for a great evening of music. Doors 7.30, music from 8 on Saturday 1st November in St John's Parish Hall, Grove Lane, Kingston.
7 Storey Student Development on Penrhyn Road - Planning Application
There is a planning application to build a 7 storey student development with 106 units on the site of John Ashley Motors at 73-77 Penrhyn Road. Full details about the application (number 14/12942) can be found at:
Kingston University has apparently reached its quota for accommodation for its own student population. It seems, however, that universities in central London do not have enough affordable accommodation, so Kingston has been designated a student dormitory site on the grounds that Kingston is not densely populated.
Some local residents have sent emails to the SGRA raising concerns
about the impact this will have on the area arguing that it will put further strain on local resources such as:
- rail links to London
- local buses
- medical facilities/local doctors/dentists
- parking
- retail rents
Concerns have also been expressed in the emails that:
- It represents significant development of a small piece of land on a very busy road which is a main artery into and out of Kingston.
- The height of the proposed building is significant when compared to the surrounding area and so will affect light and privacy for some residents.
- These and other similar developments could change the demographics of the areas, with longer-terms residents being squeezed out.
- While there will (apparently) be a one off inducement of £74,200 for RBK (£500 and £200 per student for environmental improvement and healthcare respectively)
there will be annual recurring costs and further pressure on already stressed infrastructure/medical facilitees etc.
Any comments on the proposal should be sent to RBK by FRIDAY 10th October on:
You may also like to send comments to the local councillors Chrissie Hitchcock Stephen Brister and Phil Doyle, MP Ed Davey and/or MEP Ton Arbour
Blazing Saddles Barn Dance – St. John's Church, 11th October
My Night at the Celtic Fringe – 3rd & 4th October 2014
Join us as St John's Parish Hall transforms into Harvey's bar in Ireland as the Spring Grove Fringe goes Celtic!
In My Night at the Celtic Fringe, drama is pervaded by storytelling, poetry, dance and song at the expense of Shay, a no-nonsense road builder with a reputation for bulldozing through mountains. This particular evening however, he dithers over a tree on his route through the Irish countryside amidst the folklore and fairy tales of the town festival, Owl Yarns.
His anguish becomes public as he is drawn into a press crisis while trying to impress his old flame home from America and his competitive brother who, unknown to Shay, is taking part in Owl Yarns with – you've guessed it - the Spring Grove Fringe.
Inspired by a true fairy tale from the Irish town of Latoon, join hosts Rose and her son Cian Harvey in their coastal bar and hear some ol' yarns for yourself at your own night at the Celtic fringe.
Application by Spring Grove to vary its Premises Licence
You may have recently received a letter from RBK advising you of an application by Spring Grove Pub to vary its premises licence.
This application can be viewed
The application is to refurbish both the interior and exterior of the Pub and, additionally, remove the current restriction on the number of persons on the premises at any one time from the current limit of 230.
If you would like to make a representation to RBK concerning the Pub’s application, you can do so in writing to this address:
The Licensing Manager
Environmental Health and Trading Standards Service
Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
Guildhall 2
High Street
Kingston upon Thames
or via email to
Please note that your representations will only be considered if they are received by Wednesday 23rd July 2014 (the consultation period) and if it relates to one or more of the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003. The objectives are:
- The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
- Public Safety
- The Prevention of Public Nuisance
- The Protection of Children from Harm
Public Exhibition on Ashdown Road Carpark and Public Consultation on Eden Walk
There is an exhibition about proposals for the Ashdown Road car park on Thursday 10th, Friday 11th and Saturday 12th July
at the Old Post Office Building. See
for more details.
There is also a public consultation on Eden Walk at Units 25-26 Eden Walk (opposite Cheeky Pea) on Thursday 10th, Saturday 12th and Friday 18th July.
See for more info.
Kelly arms planning application : Kingston Town Neighbourhood Committee Meeting 18th June
Plans have been submitted to convert the ground floor of the Kelly arms into two 1 bed flats.
These will be discussed at the Council meeting on 18th June. This item is first planning application on the agenda.
If you want to comment on the proposals then you need to do so promptly.
See this link for more info.
The recommendation by the Council to the meeting is to permit the appliation.
Mill Street Sale: New Date, Sunday 8 June
Mill Street's big sale has been moved due to the weather forecast to Sunday 8 June. See the poster for more info.
Spring Grove Acoustic Night Saturday 31 May at 7pm for 7.30pm
The next acoustic evening is on the 31st May, in St John's Parish Hall, Grove Lane, Kingston.
Doors from 7.00, music from 7.30. All acoustic (apart from the electric piano), honesty bar,
no food (i.e. eat before you come!). Just £1 to get in to cover hall hire. Some popular familiar
players already signed up to play including Mandolin Jack, Sue Wheeler, John Hudson, Janie Churchyard.
So come to hear some great music, and if you'd like to be added to the performers list please let me know if advance if poss. Hope to see you there.
St. John's pop-up supper club Saturday 7 June and Book Fair on 14 June 10:30 - 2.30pm
See the attached poster for details about the supper club.
Minutes of the SGRA AGM 2014
At the AGM there were presentations by Kingston University, Ed Davey MP, the Grove Ward Police Team and Councillor Chrissie Hitchcock.
See the About page for the minutes.
A.G.M. in the Parish Hall, Grove Lane: Monday 19th May at 8pm
The Annual General Meeting of the Spring Grove Residents’ Association will be held in the Parish Hall.
All residents, longstanding or recently arrived in the area, are welcome to attend.
There will be a talk on the new univeristy landmark building by Sean Woulfe, Director of Kingston
University Estates, as well as Ward Councillors and the Grove Ward Safer Neighborhood Police team,
who will talk about Neighbourhood Watch and answer your questions on matters concerning our area.
If you wish to put a question or to place an item on the agenda, please notify the Chairman Alan Leeds
or email
. As limited time is available, questions tabled in advance will be given priority.
Any resident wishing to join the committee, stand for election as an officer
of the committee, or help with community activities please contact Alan Leeds or Jackie Steinitz
Canterbury Tales, Friday May 16th at 8pm and Saturday 17th at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall
A supper evening with a difference! The Spring Grove Fringe time-machine will take you back to a 14th century banquet, in the bawdy company of Geoffrey Chaucer and his fellow pilgrims.
The pacey adaptation, in rhyming couplets, was done by Mike Poulton for the RSC. The evening will have five of the tales, directed by Jo and Nigel.
Chaucer used strong language and sexual references – it goes without saying that we have not removed these, so this production may not be suitable for children.
Tickets are £17.50, including supper please say if you require vegetarian), and there is a licensed bar.
Advance booking necessary is from
Tel: 07905 468 589
Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in the Spring Grove Area
A Neighbourhood Watch Scheme is being set up in the Spring Grove area. There are already
150,000 such schemes running throughout the UK. Their main objective is to create a
partnership between a local community, the police and the local authority
which aims to prevent crime and to set up a two-way messaging system whereby residents
and police can quickly communicate with each other about concerns, incidents or potential threats.
Although the scheme will be independent from the Residents’ Association the Grove Ward Police Team will be
at the AGM (see above) and will use the opportunity to explain further details about the scheme.
We are hoping to find one person from each street in the Spring Grove area to act as street co-ordinator.
If you would be willing to do this please contact
We will be delivering leaflets about the scheme around the end of May.
SATURDAY 7th June: “POP-UP” SUPPER CLUB AT JOHN’S - St John's Parish Hall, 7.30pm.
Join us for our first "pop-up" Supper Club. Enjoy home-cooked food with good drinks, music and company.
Tickets: £20 including a three-course meal and a welcome drink. To book: email
Update on St John’s Church Regeneration
Many people continue to work hard to secure the future of St John’s church building and to modernise
its facilities to create an excellent community space that will complement the parish hall.
The ecclesiastical and local planning permissions needed for the essential building works
are expected to be given by June and then applications will be made for grants towards the work.
Fundraising continues through events and the Blossom Scheme which invites people to become a leaf,
branch or blossom by making a regular or one off financial contribution to the project.
So far £40,000 has been pledged through the scheme over the next 3 years.
Barn Dance raised £401
The Spring Grove Residents’ Association Barn Dance on 21 March was a great success, the Parish Hall being packed with revelers young and older enjoying the dancing, music and food; and the event raised £401 towards SGRA funds. Many thanks to the band and callers for the great music and dances; thanks to all those who prepared the food, set up the hall, ran the bar and organised the event; and thanks to all of you who came and made the event so enjoyable.
Grove Ward Community Plan Consultation
The Grove Ward Community Plan Consultation was held in the Parish Hall in March and a number of residents were able to put forward their view on what affects our area to Council officers. The Council will produce a draft report soon which will be published and available to residents.
Barn Dance and supper in the Parish Hall, Friday 21 March at 8pm
| Posted 14 February 2014 |
Save the date! More details to follow.
Hogsmill Riverbank Creation - forthcoming Kingston University project at Knights Park
| Posted 14 February 2014 |
We have received the following letter from Rachel Burgess, Biodiversity and Landscape Administrator for Kingston University.
I am the Biodiversity and Landscape Administrator at Kingston University and am emailing to tell you about a forthcoming biodiversity project we are undertaking at our Knights Park campus this Spring.
Together with the South East Rivers Trust, we are planning a habitat improvement project for the Hogsmill River along this stretch. You may be familiar with the concrete wall that makes up one of the ‘banks’ on the University side, and I’m sure you can understand how this offers wildlife very little in the way of habitat. We are hoping to transform the river channel into something much more naturalistic, attractive and beneficial to biodiversity through a series of volunteer events to introduce timber deflectors, brash and gravel, and finally planting. We are hoping to get a good mix of University staff, students and local residents and stakeholders involved in the events.
We are planning to undertake the works with the South East Rivers Trust over three phases, starting later this month:
Phase 1: Staking of timber, Mon 24, Tues 25 February, 10am-4pm
Phase 2: Riverbank building, Sat 15, Sun 16, Mon 17 March, 10am-4pm
Phase 3: Planting, Wed 02 April, 10am-4pm
Please let me know if you or your neighbours have any questions or indeed any time to spare to help with the project. We are very excited about the transformation it will bring, both for wildlife and the community, I do hope you share this.
Phone:020 8417 3234 email:
Links for information about Flood Alerts etc. are on the links page
| Posted 11 February 2014 |
Click here for links to Environemnt Agency flood warnings and information on river levels and RBK's flood planning.
Email from Ed Davey about floods (copied from CARA website)
| Posted 11 February 2014 |
Given the flood warnings on the Thames around Kingston I thought I would both update and reassure you on what plans are in place in the borough.
The current situation:
- 8 flood warnings in place for next couple of days including Ravens Ait.
- River levels are currently high in Thames Ditton effecting Kingston.
- Rainfall in next few days is not expected to be heavy.
Action taken by Kingston Council:
- Multi-agency flood plan is in place.
- Kingston council staff are door knocking and delivering information to those most likely to be affected (areas such as Queens Promenade, Queens Reach and Thameside, including checking on vulnerable people. If you are aware of any such residents - only those likely to be affected by flooding - please inform the council by telephoning the contact centre on 0208 547 5000 and asking that an 'on call street scene officer' be informed.
- The Hawker Centre and Kingston University's Kingston Hill sites have been identified as centres ready to take residents should the need arise.
- If such contingency plans need extra support then the military is on standby ready to assist.
The whole situation is continuously being monitored for any changes or developments. Please forward this email to your friends and family who might find it useful.
Edward Davey, (MP for Kingston and Surbiton)
Spring Grove Acoustic Night, Saturday 1st March
| Posted 11 February 2014 |
Spring Grove Acoustic's first event of the year is taking place on Saturday 1st March. It will be a fully unplugged evening (apart from the electric piano) - no amps or mics, no stage or fancy lighting, no charity, etc etc... Just people who'd like to play / sing a few tunes for others who'd like to listen to them!
There's no entry fee, we'll have an honesty bar, no food but there will be crisps. It's in the usual place - St John's Parish Hall, Grove Lane, Kingston. Doors from 19.00, first music from 19.30, finishing 23.00 ish.
If you'd like to play a few tunes, on your own or with others, please let us know in advance and we'll try and make sure there's a slot for you. Depending on how many get in touch, there may be open mic slots on the night too. For more info
Dee’s pie and pig racing night in aid of Help 4 Heroes, Spring Grove Pub, 6th March from 18:30
| Posted 11 February 2014 |
Dees Pies and the Spring Grove are proud to announce another “Dee’s pie night” in aid of Help 4 Heroes. After the success of last year’s event (at which we raised £2,300) we are aiming to raise even more money in aid of this worthy cause.
The Spring Grove and Dee’s Pies, will be supplying a pie of your choice, chips peas, and gravy. The cost is £3.50 per person but as the event is to raise as much money as possible for charity we would like each person to make a contribution to HELP for HEROES of say £10 per head. This is not mandatory but we would like you to contribute what you can for a very worthy cause.
The choice of pies are as follows: Steak, bacon and red wine, Curried chicken, Thai vegetable
Numbers are limited and pre booking is essential to confirm which pie you want! You will be asked for your choice of pie and tax payers will be asked to sign a gift aid declaration in order that we can recoup an additional £2.50 for every £10 contributed. This raised an extra £300 last year.
To book please either:
- Sign up behind the bar in the Spring Grove
- call me on 07976 881303 or
- email .
Event at the Stanley Picker gallery: Boudicca, The Liquid Game
| Posted 11 February 2014 |
Free Guided Visits are available from Friday 7 Feb – Tuesday 11 March. They are bookable from Mon-Fri 9.30am-4.15pm/ Wed until 6.15pm, Sat 11am-4.15pm.
The advised duration is 45 mins including introduction to/ tour of Gallery site and exhibition, and conversation over complimentary refreshments (tea, coffee, juice & cake).
All visitors are welcome to stay on and relax in our social space and reading area.Optional: Free practical workshop inc. drawing, textiles and installation (additional 30mins-2hours negotiable based upon group interests and requirements)
The Liquid Game is an immersive and large scale audio-visual and sculptural installation which references the cultural history of the Gallery’s island–location and the surrounding Hogsmill River – its upstream river banks immortalized in Sir John Everett Millais’ renowned painting of Ophelia (1851–52).
Boudicca is an avante-garde studio founded in 1997 by Zowie Broach and Brian Kirkby whose innovative work eloquently yet disobediently explore the creative territories between and beyond the worlds of art and design. Initially showing through galleries and exhibition spaces. Boudicca went on to present collections in London and New York, becoming the first independent British fashion house to be invited as a guest member of the prestigious Chambre Syndicate de la Haute Couture in 2007.
Richman Poorman Event, Friday 14th February, Kingston College ACT Theatre....
| Posted 10 February 2014 |
Rich man, Poor man, at Kingston College's ACT Theatre, is going to be a fun night with a 'luck of the draw' 2 course supper. Pick rich man and you are served a gourmet meal, pick poor man and you are served a tasty meal created from Kingston Foodbank's essential shopping list.
All the while you'll be entertained by 6 local music acts to satisfy all tastes, from musicals to folk, rock to a fantastic Beatles tribute act. So dust off your dancing shoes!
Elaine Miller will also attend and be speaking on behalf of Love Kingston. There are some chances to win some amazing prizes - Ballet Boyz theatre tickets, Stone Hair appointments, £100 Valentines food hamper, Love-is hamper from Unilever, Greene King Hamper, and more...
For more info see: Love Kingston: and the
Facebook page
To book tickets, stating whether you would like a vegetarian/vegan/gluten free option, contact Tessa and Mimoza via
mobile: 07905 468 589
Forthcoming Events in the Community ....
| Posted 10 December 2013 |
- Sunday 22 December, 6pm: Candlelight carol serrice in St. John's Church. If you enjoy singing why not join the community choir for this lovely service. Everyone is welcome, just turn up to practice on Tuesday 17th December at 8pm in the church. The last practice is at 5.00pm on 22nd December.
- Christmas Services: St John’s Church on 24 and 25 December: On Christmas Eve there will be a Children’s crib service at 4pm, a chance for your children to take part in the Christmas story. They can come dressed as shepherds, angels or kings and the Christmas story is retold.
Midnight Mass will be at 11.30pm on Christmas Eve and the Family Christmas Communion will take place at 10am on Christmas Day.
- Saturday 1 February: Film and Quiz night in St. John's Church: organised by film and music buff Bill Price in aid of the Church regeneration project and including the famous round of iconic film clips acted out by local people.
For tickets contact Frances Hazelgrove on:
- Friday 7 February (8pm) and Saturday 8 February at 2.30pm and 7.30pm, Parish Hall, Pantomime:
Spring Grove Fringe presents a traditional family version of “The Sleeping Beauty”. Tickets cost £8 adult, £4 child,
£20 family (2 adults + 2 children). There will be a licensed bar in the evenings.
- Friday 21 March (8pm): “Spring into Spring” barn dance in the Parish Hall: with out usual wonderful callers, Liz and John, and a local band providing the music.
Look out for more details in the next Springboard.
New Embody circuit class at the Parish Hall
| Posted 10 December 2013 |
Embody circuit classes are a fun and effective full body workout incorporating cardio, strength and flexibility training. Using exercises that can be progressed from basic to advanced, this sociable class is appropriate for all levels of fitness.
Held at the very welcoming St Johns Parish Hall which has a wooden floor and has been newly repainted making it the perfect venue for this class.
Tuesdays: 7.45pm - 8.45pm
Saturdays: 9am - 10am
Held at St Johns Parish Hall, Grove Lane, KT1 2SU
Pay as you go: £8 per session
Buy a monthly pass for £50 (access to all classes in that month)
For more information email me on
Congratulations to the Spring Grove Acoustic Extravaganza
| Posted 10 December 2013 |
Spring Grove Acoustic's last event of the year, the extravaganza, was held
on Saturday 7th December in the Parish Hall. There were musical performances from 11 local artists and bands
plus a pop-up choir to open and close the evening. The full house was fuelled by hot food,
mulled wine, mince pies and a bar.
Thanks to so many people in our community who worked hard to put the evening on, perform and
come along to support. In total over £1000 was raised for Kingston charity Yorda Adventures,
which provides services for children and young people with severe learning disabilities and their families.
Look out for news about Spring Grove Acoustic evenings during 2014, the next likely to be in February.
Contact us to be added to the e-mail list
or find us on facebook
Update on St John's Church Regeneration:
| Posted 10 December 2013 |
The building plans for phase 1 (to replace the failing heating, lighting and electrical systems, improve the entrance to the building and put in accessible toilets) have been submitted for the ecclesiastical and secular permissions needed. There is a display in the church about the project.
Thanks to all who have helped raise £17,212.84 so far this year and you can help raise more funds by shopping locally in Bloomfield Road for Christmas:
Buy your wines at Frank McCluskey’s, our friendly neighbourhood off licence, then give your receipts to Rev’d Vicky or pop them through her door and at the end of the year Frank will donate 10% of all net profits to the Regeneration fund. Good for local business and great for St John's!
Also, Spring Grove mugs and tea towels designed by local artist Leo Duff with sketches of the church, hall, school, pub, Hogsmill river and local shops can be bought from the corner shop or Rev’d Vicky. Mugs are £5 and Tea Towels £4; and Christmas puddings are £5.50.
Spring Grove Fringe Presents ....
| Posted 6 November 2013 |
Come along and enjoy an evening of two One Act Plays, supper and a licenced bar.
When? Friday 29 November at 8.00 pm and Saturday 30 November at 7.30 pm
Where? St John’s Parish Hall, Grove Lane, Kingston
Who? The Spring Grove Fringe – your favourite actors performing again!
What? “The Eagle Eye” and “Easy Stages” Directed by Jenny Robson and Tony Tresigne
Why? A great evening of entertainment.
How? Tickets @ £17.50 from
Another Evening of Fun and Frolics. ***** Five Star Review *****.NOT TO BE MISSED
Rich man Poor man gig for Kingston Foodbank, 22 November, Parish Hall
| Posted 6 November 2013 |
Kingston Foodbank are holding a Rich man Poor man event from 19:30-23:30 Friday 22nd November at John's Parish Hall Grove Lane, Kingston KT1 2SU.
Reservations only. £10 Tickets must be booked via this email address ( or text Tessa on 07905 468589. Tables seat 8 people.
On arrival, guests pick straws to see whether they get a gourmet Rich man supper, or a Poor man supper made of ingredients from the Foodbank's suggested shopping list. There will be vegetarian option so please state at time of booking if you require a vegetarian meal.
There are some fabulous musicians and bands lined up and an amazing prize raffle. Paul Pickhaver, founder of the Kingston Foodbank will be our speaker for the evening. And of course, there's a licensed bar.
So there really is something for everyone!
Speakeasy: November 16th at Surbiton Assuembly Rooms
| Posted 25 October 2013 |
Click on the poster for details.
Change of Use for County Hall car park
| Posted 26 October 2013 |
If anyone wishes to express their opinion to the Council regarding the change of use of the County Hall, Penrhyn Road car park, please do so using this link.
Kelly Arms Planning Application - deadline for comments 8th November
| Posted 24 October 2013 |
The owner of the Kelly Arms, Mr Paul Stratos, has submitted a planning application to Kingston Council. The deadline for comments is 8th November. Click here for more detail.
Congratulations to all involved in the Oxjam Acoustic Evening
| Posted 24 October 2013 |
The Acoustic Evening at the Parish Hall raised £704.78 (+ 20 cents Euro!) for Oxfam.
Kingston Philharmonia Concert, 2 November at 7.30pm, St Andrew's Church
| Posted 22 October 2013 |
Kingston Philharmonia will be performing three great works from the Romantic Era at St Andrew’s Church, Maple Road, Surbiton KT6 4DS on Saturday 2nd November at 730pm. The programme will comprise Beethoven’s Leonore Overture No. 3, Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No.1 and Brahms’ Symphony No. 1.
All three works cost the composers greatly in terms of time, effort and emotional angst. The self-critical and perfectionist Brahms, very conscious of the ghost of Beethoven, took 21 years to complete his first symphony. Tchaikovsky, devastated by initial criticism revised his piano concerto three times over 14 years, while Beethoven spent 11 years endlessly rewriting his only opera Leonore (lated renamed Fidelio), writing several overtures along the way.
But all three works in this concert have deservedly gone on to become favourites, and you can hear these great works performed live by local orchestra, the Kingston Philharmonia, at the recently refurbished and easily accessible St Andrew’s Church in Maple Road Surbtion (which is less than 10 minutes walk from Surbiton Station and there is on street parking close by).
The Kingston Philharmonia Orchestra will be conducted by Matthew Willis who has conducted orchestra, operas and choirs across the UK and Europe at venues ranging from London’s Royal Albert Hall to the Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow. The soloist will be Daniel Hill who has performed widely across three continents, broadcast on BBC TV, Classic FM and Radio 3, and is a former winner of the Hopkinson Gold Medal for piano performance at the Royal College of Music
Tickets, available at the door or from, cost £10 each, £8 for concessions, £5 for students and are free to under 12s.
For more detail see
Hogsmill Garden
| Posted 3 October 2013 |
Kingston Environment Centre have been awarded the piece of land behind Mill Street Green along the Hogsmill.
Their aim is to create a community garden to be useed by all; residents, schools, university, church groups etc.
Ideas for using the site include a treehouse? some beehives? a waterwheel? In the first instance a wildlife survey will be undertaken. Once it is known what grows and lives there naturally we can make some informed decisions. The group hopes to bring out the natural beauty of the river landscape with considerate encouragement of native species.
Next Spring Grove Acoustic evening, 19th October, 7.30pm Parish Hall
| Posted 25 September 2013 |
The next Spring Grove Acoustic evening will be taking place on Saturday 19th October and will be part of the nation wide Oxjam festival, raising money for Oxfam.
We've got some great performers, almost all locals, lined up to play. As usual we'll be in St John's Parish Hall, Grove Lane, Kingston, KT1 2SU. Doors open at 7.00 with music from around 7.30 'til 11 ish. There'll be our regular great value bar and we're expecting to do some food too - will confirm a little closer to the time. It'll be £5 to get in. We'll be gradually adding info about the evening and performers on our facebook page so please keep checking that out.
Please put it in your diaries and tell your friends. It should be a great night. More info and flyer etc. coming soon.
A(nother) Night at the Musicals, Spring Grove Fringe, Fri 4th and Sat 5th Oct, Parish Hall
| Posted 25 September 2013 |
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up! The Fabulous Spring Grove Fringe presents A(nother) Night at the Musicals starring all your favourite artistes. Performances are on Friday 4 October 8.00 pm and Saturday 5 October 7.30 pm. Tickets are £17.50 to include supper and there will be a licenced bar. Email:
for more details.
Rule Britannia, St John's Last Night of the Proms,Saturday 21st September
| Posted 16 September 2013 |
Picnic in church grounds with musical entertainment from 5.30pm. Indoor concert from 7.30pm. Cheese platters and strawberries & cream available. INDOOR CONCERT: £10 per adult including free glass of wine, £5 per child
PICNIC ONLY: £5 per blanket (up to 2 adults with unlimited children). ST JOHN’S CHURCH, GROVE LANE, KINGSTON, KT1 2SU. For tickets contact Caroline - or 07980 649175
One Community One Week, Sun 22nd to 29th September
| Posted 16 September 2013 |
Click on the poster for details.
Tai Chi For Health
| Posted 13 July 2013 |
Classes are held every Thursday evening from 6:45 to 7:45pm at St.John's Parish Hall, Grove Lane. They are suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Just come along on the evening.
£7 per session. See for more information or e-mail
Barn Dance, 22 March, Parish Hall, Grove Lane
| Posted 20 March 2013 |
All are welcome at the Barn Dance on 22 March in the Parish Hall, Grove Lane. Tickets are £7 for adults, £4 for children or £18 for a family and include a hot supper and salads and can be obtained from Mcclusky’s off license, Karol Smal (8549 8424), Gordon Bell (8549 8540) or Jackie Steinitz (8541 4482). There will be a licensed bar. Music will be provided by live band and there will be two callers to teach the dances.
Grove Lane Resident Joan McConn invested with the British Empire Medal
| Posted 20 March 2013 |
The first investiture for the British Empire Medal (BEM) for nearly 20 years was held at the Tower of London last December. Some 293 people from across the UK received the BEM in the 2012 Queen’s Birthday Honours, and of these there were 26 recipients of the medal honoured for services to their local communities in Greater London.
Joan McConn was awarded the BEM for her selfless service to the community in Kingston where, in addition to serving as a magistrate for 19 years she has been involved in numerous local and charitable activities.
Until last year Joan looked after St John’s Parish Hall in Grove Lane for 20 years. As most residents will know the Hall provides a vital venue for pre-school toddlers at ‘Kingston Kindergarten’ and is also the centre for many local community activities which include a thriving theatre group - ‘Spring Grove Fringe’, badminton, a great local dance and party band – the original ‘PlanB’, fundraising dinners and concerts, and private family celebrations.
She continues to represent the ‘Spring Grove Residents Association’ (SGRA) on the Conservation Area Advisory Committee for Kingston Council and has also been a voluntary usher at the Rose Theatre since its opening.
For many years she has been a trustee (and previously tutor and Deputy Chair) of the local charity ‘Learn English at Home’ (LEAH) where volunteer tutors teach English to the most vulnerable and isolated learners helping them to acquire the tools needed to make the transition from complete isolation to taking an active part in the community. Celebrated local writer Dame Jacqueline Wilson is patron of the charity, and Kingston MP Ed Davey said “the charity has helped to improve the lives of many people in the constituency and Joan’s work has made a profound difference to the project on many levels”.
She helped set up the ‘Kingston Federation of Allotment Gardeners’ (KFAG) in 2003 which aims to promote and encourage allotment gardening, which was in decline at the time. KFAG is also working to encourage allotment sites to form Associations which can take over the management of their site on a voluntary basis and so help the Council save money and give allotment holders a direct interest in the management of their site. She is on the Management Committee of KFAG and is also the Lettings Secretary of Addison Gardens Allotments, and thanks to her determination and enthusiasm, as well as the growing interest in home produced fruit and vegetables, the allotment plots are fully let and thriving.
She has been the Chair of Kingston Tour Guides for 11 years, a group that trains volunteers from the local community to guide walks in Kingston - introducing local people as well as visitors to the long and colourful history of the town.
In her various roles working for the community in Kingston Joan has been the instigator of many fundraising activities and initiatives, and without her efforts the various groups that she has been involved with would have been very much the poorer. Congratulations to Joan on her much deserved honour.
Joan received her medal from the Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London, Sir David Brewer CMG JP acting on behalf of the Queen, at the ceremony held in the New Armouries at the Tower. Also present was General the Lord Dannatt who said “As Constable of HM Tower of London, I am delighted that this Investiture is being held within the Tower. This ancient Fortress and Palace has witnessed many of the great moments in British history. It is therefore most fitting that the outstanding contributions to our country and our community by the recipients of the British Empire Medal are recognised within this historic setting.”
The BEM dates from 1917 (reinstated in 2012 after a gap of 19 years) and is awarded for meritorious service deemed worthy of recognition by the Crown, and is affiliated with the Order of the British Empire (OBE).
Spring Grove Acoustic and Folk Evening, Saturday 2nd March
| Posted 15 February 2013 |
Come along to the second Acoustic and Folk Evening on 2nd March. Tickets are just £5 each (£3 for concesions) and there will be a licensed bar. Doors open at 7.30 with the music starting at 8pm.
Contact details for Street party bands
| Posted 15 February 2013 |
Need a live band for your party, anniversary, wedding, fundraiser or event? Local covers band PlanB provided a storming finale to the Jubilee Street Party and are available for you too! Contact or call 07802 381130.
Here are contacts for the other acts who entertained the crowds at the Street Party:
Kingston Cello Ensemble
Host of cellists performing light classics
The Mayflies
Summery jazz-pop with sparkling vocals
Phillippa Lusty
Fabulous singer with a truly angelic voice
Wild Street Party
Bright and breezy pop n’ rock covers
John & Liz
Inimitable barn & line dance callers
Other archived news